Fixing OBS Game Capture for Fallout 3

Quick post to document a problem I had and the solution that worked for me.

When streaming/recording Fallout 3 using OBS Studio, if I used Game Capture, OBS would show the game briefly but then freeze up, or worse, just show a black screen. Tried every setting in OBS that I could change for Game Capture, tried running OBS as administrator, even uninstalled and reinstalled OBS. Just could not get it to work. Didn’t want to use Fullscreen Capture for aesthetic reasons (it would capture my desktop, or notifications unrelated to the game, that kind of thing.)

So I broke down and read the documentation. Wouldn’t you know it, they had a solution to this.

I had to disable/close RivaTuner Statistics Server. That did the trick. Turns out having that overlay breaks Game Capture in OBS. I seriously would have never thought of that if I hadn’t gone in and found the OBS support docs.

Good documentation saves lives! Or at least prevents stress wrinkles.

I am my own technical support

Wrote up a long and detailed support request to Discord for the voice/video chat issue I was having yesterday and sent it off. I tried everything I could think of, but bottom line, it was affecting multiple computers on my home network, so everything pointed to it being a network issue.

I quickly got a response back from Nelly at Discord Support who listed a few other things I could try, some of which I had already done but forgot to put in the ticket. One, though, stood out:

4. **Whitelist Discord on Your Network**:
– Make sure that all required ports for Discord are open on your network. Especially UDP ports ranging from 50000 to 65535.

Reading that is when I remembered that I had tightened up my home router’s firewall, closing off a bunch of incoming ports. Sure enough, opening up UDP 50000 to 65535 fixed my Discord issue.

I emailed Nelly back, thanked them for the help, and wished them a great rest of their shift. Problem solved (it was me, I was the problem.)