Rambling to Refocus
I’m just so tired lately. And by lately I mean all the time. Can’t remember a time when I wasn’t tired, but that might just be the chronic depression talking. Stop talking, chronic depression! I’m trying to write here.
The apartment has been quiet all day, because dad is away on vacation. I’ve really gotten used to having him around after just a month. I had to make my own coffee this morning. Normally he would get up before me and put on a pot of coffee, but not today. I made breakfast, went up to my computer and messed around on there. Again, normally, on a Monday, I’d be looking for jobs I can apply for, but not having dad here threw me off. Lack of another person around means a temporary loss of focus.
Usually my focus is good. I’m just in a down phase right now. I will get back to my usual self.
Well, also, my unemployment benefits have run out, which you would think would motivate me to look harder but it’s had a demoralizing effect on me. I’ve never been on unemployment long enough to have them run out. I can usually land something in 6 months or less. Not this time. The recruiters I’ve worked with have all said it’s brutal out there, especially in the tech sector, which I am, so apparently it’s not just me.
Streaming, and working on my blog, is part of a small effort on my part to get some side income. Which is the primary reason I’m writing a post tonight instead of just calling it a day and going to bed early. Here I am, showing up.
I want to rewrite my resume to try to consolidate and highlight specific skills. That’s one job hunting step I can take. Also I should try to remember and document specific measurable successes I’ve had across my jobs, but, honestly, I rarely took note of those things until very recently. I will have to drill down, though, and see what I can recall or pull from old notes and emails.
I shouldn’t get too discouraged. One thing about me is that I never really give up. I may stop for a while but I will always return to anything important and keep going. My persistence and determination is a primary trait. I can do it.
If any employers are reading this, I want you to know that I am a problem solver. I never give up when I’m focused on a task. Even if something is outside of my past experience, I know how to research and find answers to existing issues. I may not know the answer but I know how to find answers. It’s the process of solving problems that is the important part.
This ramble is part of my process. I’m writing out my thoughts and sorting out where I am, mentally, and where I’d like to be. Bear with me while I recalibrate and refocus. Thanks for your patience.