Fallout 3: Part 3 – A Guide to Wasteland Survival

Next Fallout 3 livestream scheduled! 4 PM Pacific Sunday 5 May 2024. I made it to Megaton, met the love of my life Moira Brown, and am doing everything I can to get and stay on her good side.

Screenshot from Fallout 3 computer game of the protagonist, a young white man wearing glasses and an armored vault suit, from below, with the walls and buildings of a town built from junk rising behind him, and a green-tinted sky. Text overlaid that reads "Fallout 3 Part 3: A guide to Wasteland Survival"" title="Screenshot from Fallout 3 computer game of the protagonist, a young white man wearing glasses and an armored vault suit, from below, with the walls and buildings of a town built from junk rising behind him, and a green-tinted sky. Text overlaid that reads "Fallout 3 Part 3: A guide to Wasteland Survival"