MacWorld Expo 2008

Here are my predictions wild-ass guesses as to what Steve Jobs is going to announce at next Tuesday’s MacWorld Expo Keynote, in no particular order:

  • Multi-touch tablet Mac.
  • Better Apple TV.
  • Better Mac mini (possibly combined with the Apple TV into one new super-HTPC).
  • iTunes Store-enabled movie downloads and rentals.
  • Super-duper 3G iPhone, shipping immediately, that will make me cry and wish I’d waited until the Keynote to buy one.

The following are duh’s: Steve will wear a black mock turtleneck, jeans, and New Balance sneakers (super-duh). Sr. VP Phil Schiller will have to do something embarrassing, like use Windows Vista or bungie jump. New board member Andrea Jung will be introduced, and she’ll claim to have always been a Mac user, from way back, insincerely. Musical entertainment will be provided by Feist.

Tune in late on Tuesday to see how wrong I was!

The opposite of language

I’ve been feeling scruffy and bloated, unshaven and flaky and stinky. I haven’t been running. I have been eating way too much. Been wearing the same clothes day after day.

Hey, at least I’ve been going to work.

Tuesday night felt like I’d been working all week already. I dragged my ass to the bus stop in the rain, hoping some music would cheer me up. My bus was a bit crowded, so I chose to sit in front of the bus, in the sideways-facing seats normally saved for the elderly or disabled. It was dark; the driver had the lights off in front. I sat and lost myself in my iPhone.

Except… there was a cute girl sitting in the first forward-facing seat, next to a non-descript guy. The girl had long dark auburn hair. Her hair reached the small of her back. She was wearing jeans, and a snug fleece jacket, and had a backpack that was probably at least a third of her body weight, and a messenger bag. I’d seen her before, on the bus, and in my neighborhood, and I must have caught her eye and smiled and looked away. Must have.

She didn’t smile back at me. In fact, her body language… well, I don’t admit to being an expert in interpreting body language, but she seemed stiff and uncomfortable. Her upper body was perfectly straight and faced forward but her face was turned to look out the window on her side of the bus, and her legs were crossed and turned out into the aisle in the opposite direction. But somehow she still kept looking at me. She never kept eye contact, though; if I were looking at her, she would quickly glance away. No smile.

I thought nothing of it and re-immersed myself in my surfing. A stop or two later, the sideways-facing row of seats across from me opened up, and, abruptly, the girl got up and moved there. This time, she curled herself into an S-shape, facing forward, tucking her legs and leaning her upper body, both in the direction of travel for the bus. One arm lay along the top of the bench, the other arm pulled her legs in tighter and held on to the strap of her backpack. She took up at least two whole seats.

But she still kept looking over at me. Maybe I brought it on, because I kept looking at her. But because of how I was sitting, legs out in front of me, slumped over, both hands holding my iPhone in my lap, facing at right angles to the direction of travel, if I looked up at all I was looking right at her. I thought she was cute, but I got an uncomfortable vibe from her tight, controlled body language. I started to avoid any eye contact at all, looking out the window past her, or looking towards the front of the bus, or looking into the back of the bus.

In my peripheral vision, though, I could still see her looking my way. And when I looked up again, we made eye contact again. And she looked away.

I texted Tracy to ask for advice and she responded “if she makes eye contact and holds it, TALK TO HER”. But no; the girl kept glancing away. She got off the bus a couple stops before me and I wrote it off. Maybe I smelled bad. Maybe I gave her an odd look. Maybe I look like her ex-boyfriend. Who knows?

Wednesday, I hopped a bus across the river for my lunch break. And even though the weather was winter rain and general blah, walking around downtown picked up my spirits a bit, just as I’d hoped. I love downtown Portland. There’s such a range of types, especially in the middle of a work day. Business suits, fleece- and sandal-wearing outdoors-y folk, punks, baggy sportswear hip-hoppers… all kinds.

I still felt lumpy and alien, but amongst all those different kinds of people, how could I not fit in? I still kept a mental distance, observing instead of interacting, but it lightened my mood just being there.

When it was time to head back to work, ugh, I walked to the bus stop. And as soon as I got there, a punk princess got there, too. Dark blue Mohawk, pulled back into almost a ponytail with bright pink hair clips. Leather biker jacket, black miniskirt over black leggings, knee-high black leather boots covered in bright metal zippers, in fact platform boots with several inches of sole. Even in the boots she was shorter than me, compact in the same way as a hand grenade. Beautiful. Hot. And when she looked my way, she had the brightest sky-blue eyes.

I still felt ragged. Shabby. I smiled and looked down. Fiddled with my earbuds. Changed the volume. Stuffed my hands into my pockets. Shuffled from foot to foot. Looked for the bus.

She kept looking over at me. Like the redhead on the bus the night before, no smile. Well… again, body language is not my forté, but the punk girl’s eyes appeared to be smiling, even if her lips weren’t. She looked over several times, and made eye contact several times, even though I was in the opposite direction of where she would have to watch for the bus. Finally, when the bus approached, she stepped out from under the awning shielding her from the rain and strutted right past me to stand by the bus stop sign, nearly brushing me as she did. It felt aggressive, bold. I smiled. But that’s all I did.

Thursday night after work, after dinner of jambalaya at The Limelight, still feeling shopworn, I grabbed a cinnamon roll and cup of coffee at my neighborhood coffee shop, losing myself in my laptop and fading out in a public place. I knew if I went home I’d just go to sleep, but I didn’t feel up to anything more interactive than chatting or surfing, and I still wanted to be around other people that wouldn’t put much of a demand on me. Wow, writing that out and reading it makes me sound… conflicted. I suppose that I am.

Holly was working in the shop by herself for a while, and just sat behind the counter and read. Until a friend of hers came in, another girl her age or older (Holly is in her early 20s), and Holly came out from behind the counter and sat at the table next to mine and she and her friend talked and laughed and sipped coffee. Holly would get up for the occasional customer, then return to the table.

The friend sat slouched over, feet stretched out under the table, hands on the table, fingers spliced together or hands holding up her chin. Holly was curled up, one leg tucked up under her on the chair, leaning over her cup of coffee or holding her head up with a hand on her chin.

From time to time, they would laugh, I would look up, and the friend would look over at me, sideways, and smile, then look away.

My laptop battery drained, slowly, and when it was nearly done, I decided I’d go home instead of plugging it in. Time to retire for the evening. I stood, packed up, put on my coat and scarf. I walked past Holly’s table (couldn’t avoid it, really) and waved at Holly. “G’night,” I said.

“Good night!” she said. Then, “Wait!”

I turned around.

She looked around quickly and selected the paperback book in front of her. “Have you ever read Steinbeck?” Her tone seemed improvisational and impulsive. She blurted out the question.

“Not that much,” I said, “Just ‘Travels with Charley’, a long time ago.”

She held up the book. ‘East of Eden’. “Do you want this one? I started reading it and I got about 80 pages into it and it pissed me off, so I skipped ahead and read the ending and I knew I wouldn’t like it so I really just don’t want to read it at all so I need to give it away and I know you read a lot. Do you want it? You don’t have to take it but I thought maybe you wanted it.” During her rambling, spilling monologue her friend smiled up at me.

I bantered a bit with Holly about having a pile of unread books at home; Holly said she did, too, but they were all Stephen King and she was trying to broaden her horizons, but she didn’t like sad books. I laughed and said I could handle sad books, which was bravado considering how I’d felt lately, and thanked her and took the book. I wished her and her friend good night, and walked out into the rain.

And wondered what all this body language had been about. If only I could interpret it in the moment, and not days or hours later… This whole week I’ve felt as if I’ve been avoiding something that’s been trying to get my attention.

But I don’t feel ready yet. Do I need to be ready? Don’t I?

What’s the opposite of body language?

Hacking Apple

Everyone knows that if you’re buying an Apple computer, you’ll pretty much get the same price everywhere you go. Without using the “m” word, the prices are very close to the same everywhere, due to Apple’s implementation of a Minimum Advertised Price policy.

But there are ways, sneaky but legal, around that. For instance, Apple used to offer really steep discounts to students and teachers. These days, the discounts aren’t as good, but they’re still there. But they work out to only around 5% off – which is nice, sure, but hardly anything to write home about.

If you’re OK with buying a refurbished computer, one that had been sold before and returned to Apple, you’ll still get the full one-year hardware warranty, though you can’t purchase AppleCare to extend that warranty. And you may end up dealing with someone else’s problems, problems that had not been fully resolved during the refurbishment process.

So here’s a little trick. It’s good for a one-time-only steep discount on a full system (computer + monitor + accessories).

<a href="
“>Go here and sign up for the Student Developer program ($99). You’ll need to provide proof that you are, in fact, a student. It helps if you are, in fact, an actual student – but just knowing someone who is a student will work, too, as far as I can tell.

Then go here and use your one-time Developer discount.

Even paying the $99, you still get deep discounts on the hardware. For instance, getting a MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.2 GHz):

Retail base price: $1999
ADC base price: $1599

You still save $300!


It’s not just a delicious beverage.

It’s also a hand-warmer on a cold winter morning.

Is there nothing it can’t do?

Silly Season Begins

Happy Primary Day to all the New Hampshirans and political junkies out there.

My guy, Senator Dodd, dropped out after Iowa (but wouldn’t he make an awesome Senate Majority Leader? Much better than Harry “Give ’em Hell whatever they want” Reid), so now I’m rooting for John Edwards. Or Barack Obama. Or Hillary Clinton. Or Bill Richardson.

Yes, in that order, most to least favorite. And I think all of them are light-years ahead of the Republican candidates.

I’m going to try to go to the Venue Restaurant tonight to drink and watch the results. Feel free to join me and others…

It just works

I really, really wanted to be in bed early.

But I spent an hour and a half figuring out a problem involving the external drive I use for backups. Before I knew it, it was nearly midnight.

Ugh. Fixed it, though.


I see a lot of movies. I can’t, now, go back and list what movies I saw in 2007 due to a hard drive failure (dammit – make sure your backups are working) but I’m going to attempt to post about every theatrical movie I see in 2008.

This past weekend I saw the Sing-Along “Grease” with Tracy and her friend Gina. It was fun and cheesy… and the costume contest beforehand had some very sexy “Slutty Sandys” which almost made the entire thing worth it. As a movie… “Grease” is not among my favorites. But as audience participation, it was a blast. I’m completely comfortable in my heterosexuality to admit that.

I also saw “Charlie Wilson’s War” which was a delight. Entertaining political comedy. Rep. Wilson sounds like the kind of politician I’d like to be: liberal, single, boozehound, womanizer. His press agent’s response to a reporter asking if he’d ever been to rehab was, “Rep. Wilson will not go to rehab because they do not serve alcohol there.” But, seriously, he was trying to do a good thing after touring the refugee camps in Pakistan. Tom Hanks and Philip Seymour Hoffman both are amazing to watch, though I give the edge to Hoffman.

Did all of them

For the record, and you can go back and check yourself if you don’t believe me, I have a 100% resolution rate on my New Year’s resolutions for 2007.

That’s entirely due to the fact that I made no resolutions in 2007.

Don’t tell me that’s actually a 0% resolution rate. You can’t divide by zero. It’s infinite or something.

HDS syndrome

It’s almost 1:00 PM. I’m sitting at Backspace, my unfinished manuscript still in my backpack and untouched, unread, since I put it in there a day or two ago, my third or fourth cup of coffee of the day nearly empty, my laptop open and a bunch of unread Safari tabs open with different time-wasting sites.

I have HDS syndrome: Haven’t Done Shit.

Last productive thing I did was around 12 hours ago, when I renewed the registration on three of my domains for another year. I was up late because I’d been out drinking with Tracy and a friend of hers. Such fun. I’m still mentally on vacation. Or maybe I’m always mentally on vacation.

Yeah. HDS. I should work on that.