Possible placebo effect

Ran last night. I haven’t been running as much as I used to and it bothers me. I only seem to get out and run 2-3 times a week. I want to increase that. Is it because of the cold and the dark and the cold? Probably. Might also have to do with my cutting calories – less energy overall while I burn some of this excess poundage.

Anyway, last night: 30 minutes, treadmill, mostly did a steady 10:30 pace, incline level 2, wore my Asics. Used my (probably only helpful due to placebo effect) inhaler beforehand. Did stop to walk once, around the 24:00 mark, for one minute. I know, I know, I should have just kept going, but I had just done a 4:00 section at a 9:30 pace and needed some kind of rest.

One more thing: I haven’t been wearing my Adidas Supernovas at all for the past two weeks when I run. Just sticking with the Asics. Dunno. Just like them better. Although in a month or two I’ll need a new pair of shoes. Maybe after the Shamrock Run.

I have to start working in some speedwork, and some longer runs, one of each each week.

And calorie-wise, I was only maintaining my weight at 2500 calories per day – kept hovering around the 200 lb mark, not good. So starting this week (as of last Monday) I’m at 2200 calories per day. And the past two days I’ve been under that, so that’s good. I’m guessing that 2500 calories per day would be good to burn fat if I was running as much as I did last summer, but until I get the miles up I need even fewer calories.

Luckily, Starbucks’ cinnamon rolls are only 260 calories! Have you seen those? They’re practically the size of my head! Mmmmm… So, eight of those and that still leaves me 120 calories for other food in a day.

So hot right now

Political update:

I know, I know, the Abramoff scandal just grows and grows. It’s hard to keep track of it all. But guess who just stepped forward with new information?

The Malasian Prime Minister!

And, even now, the plot is brewing to silence him…

“Now do as you are trained, Derek – and kill the Malaysian Prime Minister!


I love the internets!

Podbop is a site that lets you listen to music from bands that are coming to your town this week.

The internets are great for finding new music… and this Web 2.0 stuff is the coolio-est. Way cooler than lame 1990s-era “multimedia”.

SXSW 2006

Man, SXSW is looking tempting this year.

But, strangely enough, not necessarily for the music. Sure, Neil Young is the musical guest of honor. That’s all cool and stuff.

And, don’t look at me like that – not for the locale! Oh, no, definitely not the locale. Sure, Austin is the only decent city in Texas, but, even so… it’s in Texas

But, first, I read that Heather Armstrong is going to be a keynote speaker (via Jason Kottke). You know: Dooce. The woman who got fired for blogging about work, and now spends her days writing about her cute daughter, crazy dog, and unemployed self-employed husband. Oh, and poop. (Not so much about boobs lately, though. She’s really jumped the shark.)

Then, I read that Markos Moulitsas ZĂșniga is going to be there, and using the event as the unofficial kick-off for his new book “Crashing The Gates” (second bullet point). Um, hello, DailyKos? Left Blogsylvania’s biggest site?

Holy cow – my favorite non-political and political blogger in one city with a bunch of great music and awesome food?

So… tempting…

Prelaunch speed bump

Hey, Apple lovers!

Remember the bad old days, when Motorola couldn’t produce the chips Apple wanted, and it took years before Macs got any kind of speed bump? Those were the days when Apple tried to fight back by marketing against “the megahertz myth”.

Well, if you want to cry tears of joy, take a look at the Mac Book Pros – the Intel-based laptops Apple introduced last month.

They’ve gotten a speed bumpand they haven’t even shipped yet!

That’s gotta be a record for a speed bump of a product line. As well as a sweet Valentine’s Day gift. OK, maybe not a Valentine’s Day gift.

Update 6:44 AM 15 February 2006: Actually, the Mac Book Pros are shipping this week. I tried to add this yesterday but Blogger was blobbered.


For the second week in a row, my running plans have been dashed to smithereens by reality.

Reality is a harsh mistress. My least favorite kind, actually.

At any rate, after my 1-mile warmup run, I haven’t run again since. Was going to Thursday – didn’t. Was going to on Friday – didn’t. Was going to run today – but I’m not, because there’s a race tomorrow and maybe I’ll do better with rested legs.

I have, however, been continuing with my calorie-cutback, and this morning I weighed in at 198.5 lb., which is significantly lower than the 203.0 I showed a week ago. I’m sure that most of that is water loss and mainly from the severe cutback I did last weekend, but there’s gotta be a half-pound or pound of actual fat loss in there.

As of last night I was actually 399 calories under par for the week, and that’s even after accidentally eating a slice of leftover German chocolate cake on Thursday (yum). I love calorie-counting for my diet because a) I get to eat whatever I want as long as I track it, and b) it’s like having a watch that tells me when to stop eating for the day, so I can focus on other things, like how much I’m not running and should be, argh.

At any rate, I’m going to give it my all tomorrow at the 5K and see if I can improve over my New Year’s Day run time. I will be running with Max – can’t wait to see how he does. It’s gonna be coooooooooooooooooooooooold, though.

Sudden cake

Suddenly there appeared left-over cake in the break room this afternoon. German chocolate cake, and a lemon cake. Several of us were in there accidentally eating some.

One lady commented, “Well, we don’t want this to go to waste, do we?”

I replied, “Right. Eat up! There’s people starving in Gitmo, after all!”

Keep the Change update

I blobbed before about Bank of America’s “Keep the Change” program (full details at that link so I don’t repeat myself).

One of the benefits of KTC is that they’re going to match all my deposits made in the first 3 months. I’m past those 3 months so I sat down to see what kind of bonus I’m getting.

Turns out BofA owes me $98.03. Sweeeeeeeeet. Free money. Cha-ching!

The only downside is that it makes it much harder to balance my checkbook. But I can live with it.

Science Fair report

I didn’t do my planned speedwork last night. I was somewhat rushed because I had been reminded by my nephew Max that his school’s Science Fair was last night, and I wanted to see his project.

Plus, and, this might be a psychosomatic symptom, but my left ankle had been sore all day, and when I started running to warm up (I did make it to the gym and do some running) it felt like it would get much worse if I stepped on it wrong. So I ran an easy mile and then stretched out and showered off. After I stretched out, it felt much better and I didn’t have any pain afterward. So I’m modifying my plan – I’ll do my speedwork tomorrow, take Saturday off (or do strength training), and then there’s a 5K run on Sunday that I will probably do, one that I had forgotten about when I made up my schedule.

Oh, and Max’s project? He was testing the changes that a ghost might make to temperature, light, sound and smell.