Treadmill Asics

Ran tonight.

Gym, treadmill, Asics, used the inhaler, planned on 3 miles.

Mostly kept a 10:00 pace, but near the end of each mile (0.1 mile to go) I bumped the speed up to just a touch faster than I thought I could handle tonight (which worked out to be anywhere from an 8:35 pace to, around the 2 mile mark, an even 8:00 pace) until I rolled over to the next whole mile. Finished in 30:00 with 3.05 miles total.

Did a comprehensive stretching routine after

It was hard to get the energy to go. Cold, wet weather, short days, having been house-bound all day Sunday due to snow and freezing rain, the persistent allergies due to mold… damn, this winter is getting to me. It’s kinda hard to stay motivated. I’ll stick with it, though, because it will pay off when the season starts changing and I can run outside again.

Shorter Bush’s speech

Shorter version of President Bush’s speech tonight:

“Remember, your sons and daughters in Afghanistan and Iraq are still under my control… so don’t get any funny thoughts about impeachment…”


Attempted treadmill intervals

Quick running update:

Yesterday, at the gym, wearing my Adidas, I attempted my treadmill intervals (1 mile warmup, 4x 4:00 fast, 2:00 slow, 1 mile cooldown). Had to take a break at the halfway mark (bathroom break) and had to walk twice during my slow segments. Ugh.

Total distance covered was 4.46 miles, well below what I was doing before. But I’ll get back on track.

Avoiding the bad ones

I saw a lot of movies this year. Good and not-so-good. Maybe before the end of the year I’ll post a list of all the movies I saw, with a mini-review of each. Wow, that’s a great idea. I wonder why no one’s ever thought of that before?

But this post is mainly to congratulate myself for having completely avoided every single movie on Rotten Tomatoes’ list of Top 10 Worst Movies of 2005.

And especially for having avoided the temptation to stare at Jessica Alba’s ass, but be burned by “Into the Blue” anyway. I got to see her enough this year in good movies, like “Sin City”.

Friday Cat Blogging 20

Friday Cat Blogging!

Only got one picture of Smacky this week… but I think it’s a good one.

Can you spot the hidden cat in this picture?

At least, Smacky thinks he’s hidden.

Don’t forget, cat lovers, there’s waaaaay more cats over at the Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday and the 91st edition will be hosted this week by Music and Cats. There are more weekly cats at eatstuff’s Weekend Cat Blogging which has many participants who may not be familiar to Ark or Carnival participants.

First draft running

Last Tuesday I had a crappy, crappy run. My asthma – excuse me, my exercise-induced breathing difficulties – were acting up, in spite of the shot of albuterol I took prior to running. I had had a bad sinus headache that ended up in my ear the night previous to that, and by the following day it was gone except for a lingering running nose. It was all messed up in there behind my eyes and between my ears.

Wow, that previous paragraph jumped all over chronologically, didn’t it? But to hell with it; blogging is essentially first-draft anyway. I’m leaving it as-is.

Anyway, Tuesday I ran about three miles total, but had to break it into two 1.5-mile segments, and each segment was slower than a really slow thing. I wasn’t happy with my performance at all, and knew I could do better.

I was so discouraged by my performance Tuesday night that I skipped any kind of workout at all last night, just went home and lazed around and ate Thai food and drank delicious holiday drinks and thought about cleaning up my apartment, another thing that’s discouraging me. I can’t concentrate in a messy apartment.

So, today, I approached the gym after work with a mix of optimism and pessimism. I wanted to do some speedwork, but thought that might be pushing it. I always try to decide on my goal before starting my workout and then stick to it, but tonight I was uncertain what I was going to be doing until I had finished walking a quarter-mile to warm up. I decided on 4 miles tempo pace, which works out to about a 10:00/mile pace for me.

My ankles, both left and right, were giving me warning signs through the first mile, but I just tried to relax and let everything “fall” into the right configuration, if that makes any sense. Instead of trying to impose perfect form on myself, I just kept my head high, let my breathing come at a natural rhythm, and tried to zone out and not overthink my form. It seemed to work, because at the start of my second mile, I was feeling well enough to up the pace a bit, and finished my second mile with about two minutes of around an 8:35 pace. Instead of stopping for water or a walking break, I decided during the second mile that I would push through for at least 30:00, see where I was, and then continue to 40:00 at whatever pace I wanted. Around 2.9 miles, I pushed the pace up to 8:00, and I ended up hitting mile 3 at 29:30 total, which felt really good, before dropping to a walk for less than a minute. Then I ran the pace back up to 10:00/mile for almost the remainder of the last full mile. At 3.85 miles, I sped up to an 8:35 pace again, and kept it past the 4.0 mile mark (39:36 total) and kept going for another minute or two. I think around 4.06 miles I finally slowed to a walking speed to cool down.

It felt really good. My asthma did not show up, and after the first mile of slight pains from my ankles and calves, especially the outside of my calves, I had no other discomfort.

I do want to find a stretch for that area (outside of my calves and or my IT band) because that still feels really tight. I also notice that when standing, my feet want to pronate a lot, to where I’m standing on the outsides of my soles, and I have to consciously flatten out my feet so they’re resting full on the ground. Something to watch in the future.

I’m keeping these shoes (Oh! Tonight I wore my Asics; last Tuesday I wore the Adidas) through the winter, but come spring I’m going to go through the whole fitting process again because I believe my gait/stride has changed since I first started running. Just a note for the future.

I’m definitely running tomorrow and Saturday or Sunday. Still not back up to 20+ miles per week but I’m not really in training for anything specific. Probably good to focus on non-running exercise for at least the next couple of weeks.

But, y’know, I’m not going to be able to stop running. Just not gonna happen.

Heat allergy

It’s been very cold in Portland for the past month. It’s a little unusual, but that’s not why I mention it.

I’ve discovered that, when I turn the heat on in my apartment, I have an allergic reaction. I have electric baseboard heat (I know, not the most efficient). My nose starts running, my eyes itch, I get a lot of phlegm in my throat… ugh. So I generally only turn up the heat right when I get home, or right when I get up, get the house kinda/sorta warm, then turn it back down again and put on extra layers of clothes.

When I first got Smacky, I assumed that my allergic reaction was to him, but it seems that is not the case. It’s just that I got Smacky in the late summer, and by fall and winter last year I had started to use the heat in my apartment. I connected the cat with the allergies, and decided to kick Smacky out of my bedroom as much as possible. But now I realize, not having the heat on means no allergies. Coolio.

In the past couple of days, I’ve been letting Smacky sleep with me again. I turn down the heat, and then have a warm furry object laying (usually) on my chest or around my neck, right where the blankets don’t cover. It’s awesome.

Only drawback is that Smacky is kind of an asshole if he gets woken up suddenly. The other morning I was awakened in the middle of the night by having a grumpy cat biting my arm and clawing at my nose. He actually drew blood, the little shit.

Evil clown sweater

Sorry I haven’t posted anything funny in a while (Friday Cat Blogging doesn’t count; you’re not supposed to laugh at cats. They hurt you for that), but in the meantime, while I try to fill up on enough spiced-rum-doused eggnog to be funny, you can read my latest favorite celebri-blog, Wil Wheaton dot Net: In Exile, and especially his post about the evil clown sweater.

It’s so funny it will haunt your dreams. I’m talking about the sweater. Wil Wheaton seems like a pretty nice guy.