Waterfront with friends

I ran the Waterfront last night with a couple of friends. I brought up the idea of doing two laps, which would be around 5 miles, and they were favorable. Then, during the run, they both sped off like they were being chased by lawyers. When I got to the second lap, I had to stop and walk a bit. I kept thinking of excuses why I didn’t do so well, especially considering that I’ve done that distance before, and recently; it’s 5 miles when I run to work, which I’ve done just last Friday. I thought that it was the weather (rainy and windy), my lack of food (had only taken in 1580 calories that day), lack of good food (ate a lot of junk that day and the day previous), time of day (I normally run in the morning), yadda yadda, blah, blah, blah… but in the end, I didn’t do too bad. I only finished about a minute behind my friend, who finished a minute and a half behind his girlfriend.

Then afterward we went and I pigged out on a Quiznos’ Black Angus Sandwich, and a mollasses cookie and soy chai from Starbucks’.

Tonight I’m going to the gym and doing anything except run.

Oh, and I feel heavier. I weighed in at 171.5 lbs today, but I feel all bloat-y or something. I can still feel the lump of food I ate yesterday in my stomach and parts south, working its way through my digestive system. I’ll feel better once it’s gone.

Site has a theme

I’ve added my Trophy Page but all I have are links to the results page for each race I’ve entered.

I’m going to add a picture and link to the gallery for that race, along with a table of my actual results.

Hmmm… I was thinking I want to add an “About Me” page, but on reflection, this entire site is “about me”, isn’t it? Again with the self-absorbed… this blogging thing is all about self-absorption, isn’t it?

Update: The section referring to my “Trophy Page” is no longer accurate. – 7 May 2009 BAM

Memories, old and new

I’m still uploading pictures to my Picture Gallery. I guess the next step is to modify the CSS to make it match the rest of my site. That will be fun. I’m in no hurry, though; the current layout doesn’t suck too much. Update: My pictures can be found at Flickr under my username “lunarobverse”. – 7 May 2009 BAM

It’s fun going through all my old pictures. Lotta old memories there. Call me self-absorbed, but it’s funny seeing how I looked a year or two ago, while my friends haven’t changed much at all.

I’m going to start listing my races and times on another page. I may include my weight, too. I’ll call it my “Trophy Page”.

This coming week I’m going to step up my mileage and add hills again. Monday and Tuesday I’m going to run the Waterfront; probably after work. I’m going to run one lap on one day, then two laps on the other day. Can’t say for sure which day will be the long one because I’m waiting to hear back from a friend on which day he wants to join me. Wednesday I plan on going to the gym for a workout but no running, then Thursday I’m going to tackle Terwilliger Blvd. again. Friday will be a rest day, then Saturday I’ll have a nice morning run and I’ll try to fit in a workout, too. Sunday, of course, another rest day.

Whoo-HOOO! Next week I get 2800 calories per day! I had to work at eating 2600 calories today, mostly because I was so distracted cleaning my apartment and working on my website. I think I’m still several hundred short for the day. But that’s OK. I feel full…

And my apartment hasn’t been this clean in a long time… it’s good to kick out the clutter once in a while.

Lake Run 5K Official Results

They’ve posted the official results for the Lake Run — that was fast!

Unfortunately, I wasn’t that fast, at least compared to my last race. I finished 176th overall, and 11th out of 18 in my group, with a final time of 29:37 and a pace of 9:32.

Gotta work on my hills, I guess. It might also have hurt me that I ran 5+ miles yesterday. And the train might have cost me more than I thought…

Those are all excuses, but, actually, I did well. I’m happy I went. The next race is going to be massively hillythe Mt. Tabor Challenge. Whoo-HOO! Bring it on! Looks like I’ll be hitting Terwilliger a lot in the coming month…

Pre-Lake Run 5K

Quick race-day update before I hit the showers…

I did the Lake Run 5K today. The weather started out nice but it started raining just as I was finishing. My friend warned me about the hills, and, yes, there were a lot of hills, short but steep. There was also a train! I had to climb over the train at one point in the race, somewhere between Mile 1 and Mile 2. I climbed over between cars at the same time as another guy; he was just ahead of me. I waited until he was on the ground and moving and started to jump — I was in the act of jumping when I saw him stumble backwards. I landed on his ankle. I hope he’s OK! I apologized, and looked for him after the race but couldn’t find him.The race organizers were nice enough to allow us to adjust our time, on the honor system. I asked for 25 seconds; I thought that was fair.

I saw 29:40 on the clock when I crossed the line, which (after my allowance) works out to about a 9:28 pace; not bad considering all the hills!

Here I am before the start of the race
Me at race start

Exercise update

My weight is holding steady at 169.5 lb. I think I’m still losing weight, but slowly. I am really happy with my weight where it is, however, so I’ll continue to add calories back into my diet.

I only have circumstantial evidence for the weight loss, however; obviously the graph of my weight over the past two weeks is pretty flat. The evidence is this: when I was on Atkins, my body was in ketosis/lypolosis — in other words, burning fat for energy, transforming my fat stores into glucose for my muscles to use as fuel. During that time, my body chemistry changed, as revealed by the odd taste in my mouth, and the change in the scent of my sweat and urine.

Well, even though I’m now eating as much as 2600 calories per day (2800 yesterday — I was weak and had a cookie), I still have that same odd taste in my mouth. Since I’m running every other day, and getting lots of walking and other exercise in throughout the day, my rate of calorie burn must be higher than 2600 calories per day, because, circumstantially, I think I’m still burning fat to replace the calories I’m not taking in.

At any rate, I ran to work today. I picked up some more time — Left the house at 5:14 AM, and crossed the Hawthorne Bridge at 6:10 AM. Subtract the 10 minutes (approx.) that it takes me to walk to the starting point, and that means I ran 5 miles in about 46 minutes, or a 9:12 pace. Whoo-Hoo!

I totally rock. I’m so ready for the Run on the Lake this weekend.

Get Fuzzy

Darby Conley is one of the funniest mainstream comic artists around. Get Fuzzy is, to my twisted mind at least, HI-freakin’-larious.

I hope I’m not stepping on any toes, but I have to share this. I reproduce here, under the cover of Fair Use, the author’s introduction to the latest collection of Get Fuzzy comics, “Bucky Katt’s Big Book of Fun”. If I hear from the lawyers, or even Darby himself (I’ve sent him email so we can be on a first-name basis (not that he’s ever returned the favor, but, hey, I can be big about that)), I will remove this post, or edit it down, or something to make it less likely that I can be sued about it.

get fuzzy
an apology

I must confess that when I invented the characters for what was to become the comic strip “get fuzzy,” I had never owned a cat.

I never really spent too much time with them, either, as I grew up in Tennessee, smack-dab in the middle of America’s hound belt. The cats in Knoxville in the ’70s and ’80s were few, far between, and deep in hiding.

I thought the idea of psychotic cats, scratched-up furniture, and gooey hairballs was funny.

But now I have a cat.
And I have furniture that’s been destroyed.
And I have a cabinet full of enzyme-based cleaning products.
And I have some of those flesh wounds which seemed so comical on other people.

And I’ve come to the conclusion that, well… cats aren’t funny. I understand that now. So as you read this book, please remember that it was written out of ignorance, and I am sorry.

Sorry and ignorant.

But mostly just sorry, ’cause, you know… I got the cat now.


darby conley

If this serves as your introduction to the humor of Darby Conley, then I hope you find it as funny as I do. I’m just trying to get someone else as embarrassed as I was when I read this and laughed out loud in the store.

You can find more stuff I think is funny under the Humor section of my Links page.

Back to the running

Let me quickly post my running schedule for this week. Truncated because of last weekend’s road trip.

I ran 2.5 miles this morning, I’m going to go on a street ramble with the Mazamas Club on Thursday night, run to work on Friday morning, then run the Lake Run 5K on Saturday.

My weight’s at 169.5 lb this week. I’ve added in another 200 calories per day, putting my daily intake at 2600 calories.

Oh, and damn, I feel great. Except that when I tanned in the desert this weekend, it accentuated my stretch marks. Hmmm. Not sure what to make of those. I guess I should be proud of them, since they’re evidence of my skinniness… I could always claim that they’re from my pregnancies, I suppose. Hee, hee, hee

Candy is dandy

I think I was sexually harrassed yesterday.

At work, there’s a side office where several older (well, older than me) ladies work. They always have candy out, lots and lots of candy. Chocolate, licorice, jelly beans, you name it and they’ve probably got it or will have it out in the next week. I often stop by when I’m in that building and pick something up. They usually comment on my recent weight loss, making remarks about how impossible it seems that I can get so thin when I’m always eating candy. I laugh and just let them think that.

Yesterday I stopped by there, and one of them called me “Skinny” and I asked her, in mock indignation, to repeat herself. She said that I was definitely skinny now, and the other ladies agreed. I told them that I didn’t really think someone who was still 15-20 lb. overweight could be considered “skinny”.

Then one of them told me that I had crossed a line; “You’ve passed into ‘cute’.”

Waitaminute. What was I before? I was cute before, wasn’t I? My girlfriends thought so, anyway.

I’m not offended by what they said, but I was uncomfortable when they said it. It was a fairly bold statement, and not one I’m used to. This is all simply a reminder for me about our perception of people, and how much it’s influenced by things like weight or clothing. Some might call it “shallow” but I don’t; it’s simply a heritage of our evolutionary past. We tend to only pay attention to attractive people, or at least give them more benefit of the doubt.

Gwyneth Paltrow is someone who has never had the opportunity to be unnoticed, being as she is very thin and very attractive. But apparently, when she was making the movie “Shallow Hal” she had to wear a suit that made her fat. In an interview, she describes people’s reaction to her:

Well, I put on the suit and I went outside and walked around. It was actually very interesting, because I was really nervous about being found out. But when I walked around, nobody would even make eye contact with me. Like nobody would even look in my direction. Because I think when you get a sense of someone being slightly outside what we all consider normal, you think, oh it’s polite not to look. But actually, it’s incredibly isolating. And it really upset me.

People don’t notice others who are outside of the norm: fat, scarred, missing limbs: they’re invisible, she seems to be saying. I don’t think that that’s the right conclusion to draw, though. People notice fat people, and even interact with them. But what they don’t do is initiate contact. They wait and see if the other person, the “non-normal” person, will see them first. Not consciously, I think, but on a more subtle level. People, I think, are neutral towards average folk and those that they deem unattractive. But people seek out the attention of those who are attractive. They watch the pretty one’s faces for signs of recognition. They secretly, to themselves, hope for eye contact, or something as bold as a smile. This, I think, is what Gwyneth missed when putting on the fat suit. That’s what she was deprived of. And, noticing that, she felt isolated, alone. It’s fascinating to me…

I have noticed that, when smiling or catching the attention of women (well, men, too, but I’m not so interested in that) now that I’m thinner, I get a response more often than I did before. It’s a powerful feeling, and one that I hope to keep in check. I just have to remember that I wasn’t always like the way I am now… must… remember… always…

So, how you doin’? *wink*