U-Scan Speed Demon

I’m a speed freak at the U-Scan. I try to hurry through it as fast as the machine will let me. Most times I’m already in position for the next option before it even comes up. I don’t know why (I’m the same way with ATMs). I just don’t like waiting. And it’s not because there are often people behind me. Like I care about them.

I got into trouble once at an unfamiliar store, where they must have set the response time on super slow. I confuzzled the machine greatly, requiring the attendants intervention and frustrating me. I must have grumbled at my friend about the damned machines for at least seven minutes and forty-seven seconds.

But last night, at my local QFC, where I’m on my home turf, I was zipping through just like normal. Until I got to the part about paying. I had a twenty-dollar bill, and I could tell it was a bit wrinkled so I used a precious second or two before the machine asked me to insert my money to try to flatten it out. Just being efficient. But trying to feed it into the machine wasn’t working. It just kept rejecting it. Again, it was slowing me down which is a cardinal sin and harshes my groove.

The nice attendant-lady gave me a couple of suggestions but it still wasn’t so work-y. Apologetically I offerred to pay with my debit card but she waved me over, took my twenty and surprised me by ringing me up at the center aisle, and giving me cash out of her drawer there.

“Wow, I didn’t know that was even an option” I said.

“Yeah,” she replied, smiling, “it helps sometimes.”

I mentally upgraded her from attendant to actual cashier.