TriMet customer service

To: TriMet Contact Us
From: Brian Moon
Subject: Driver early, inconvenienced riders

TriMet line #33 McLoughlin, Bus ID 2630. Driver was early and knew it because she waited about 5 minutes at SW 1st and Madison before crossing the bridge. Waited again at the Hawthorne Bridge stop (east side of river), then again at the next stop on MLK, while she talked on the phone with dispatch.

While on the phone, another #33 passed us.

There were about 6 passengers on the bus with me. When the driver got off the phone, she let us know that she had to wait for 10 minutes because she was early “and I can’t be that early.”

Driver should have communicated with us about being early BEFORE being passed by the on-time bus.

When I pointed that fact out, the best she could do is tell me I could get off the bus if I was in a hurry. That’s simply adding insult to inconvenience, and very poor customer service.

Good thing I wasn’t kissing anyone or I would’ve been thrown off and blacklisted by the drivers.