Too f-in’ hot

Was going to do speedwork tonight. Too f-in’ hot. So I just tried to maintain a steady pace on my normal 3.5-mile loop. I did, however, go slower than normal, and I did not carry a watch. Also, I stopped twice for water. Didn’t stretch afterwards and now, sitting in front of my computer, I can feel my hamstrings tightening, tightening, oh, they’re tightening. Ow.

Rewarded myself with dinner at The Iron Horse. Walked up and back after dinner, which adds at least another 2.5 miles of exercise to my total for the day/week. Had the chile verde burrito. Mmmm…

On my walk back, I watched the western sky slowly build up to an intense fire-y orange-reddish neon-y glow. Amazing. Nearly the entire western sky was bright with sunset. Not only that, but there was a rainbow. One nice side benefit of the amazingly high humidity is the sunsets. It made for a nice moment of Zen.