Literally babbling for 511 words

Do I have 500 words in me? Sure, why not? I want to keep this streak going. What am I going to talk about? Who knows, I’m just typing and showing up and seeing what falls out.

I’m super tired. It was a long day at work, though ultimately a successful one. How many words can I get out of complaining about not having enough words to write a post tonight? Y’all, I know this is a boring post to read but sometimes I don’t have a theme or story in mind. I just want to get this post done and on the interwebs so I can go to sleep.

Looking forward to the weekend but there is still some bullshit I have to get through before I get there. One more day of work. OK, work is mostly not bullshit but I have to admit there’s a little bit of bullshit in there. I like my job, I really do. I like the work, I like the people I work with, I am learning so much about computers and networking, and the boss is asking me to take on more projects and bigger-picture stuff, like doing quotes for services for our clients. That is something that I’ve wanted to do but my previous jobs were all about day-to-day tech support.

I can do day-to-day tech support in my sleep. I like being trusted to put my knowledge and experience into looking at the whole pie. Y’know? Pies are pretty fucking delicious. My favorite kind of pie is the same as my favorite kind of berry, and that’s marionberry. Second and third would be blackberry and raspberry. I guess strawberries are OK. Blueberries are my least favorite. What was I talking about? Oh, right, work. Except now it’s food.

Of vegetables, I like the fancier kinds of greens: your kales, your spinachs, your arugula. I love brocolli, and asperagus. There’s a specific kind of green bean that Asian restaurants use that is better than the soggy, limp green beans Americans eat out of cans; anyone know what those Asian green beans are? They’re great in stir fries with a nice spicy sauce and some beef or pork. I like carrots and tomatoes on salads and on sandwiches. Onions and garlic are great as aromatics. Is that the right word?

My family loves garlic on almost anything. My mom would tell my dad that he’d put garlic on strawberry ice cream, and he would retort “why would I ruin perfectly good garlic with ice cream?” which is the height of dad jokes. Seriously, though, garlic. You’d think my family was Southern European instead of Northern European.

Sigh. I just need another fifty words. Here I go typing those out. I’m so sorry for this post. I’m not even going to SEO this or tag it. It’s just a placeholder to keep my streak going. I do appreciate you reading this, however. Why are you reading this, though? It imparts no useful information.

Made it. Good night, dear reader. Tomorrow will be better.

Showing up

Here are some words so I can meet my daily goal of one post of at least 500 words. I’ve got a lot of feelings in my head and heart tonight but I am not in the mood to share so let’s see what else I can find to ramble about.

Kinda tired of the heat but as we all know, every summer is going to be hotter than the previous summer until the elites decide to stop killing the rest of us with their excess and hoarding. Or until we force them to pay attention. We do have the numbers, and they can’t actually get and stay rich if we were all united, I’m just sayin’. A little organization among us would go a long way toward making the world a better place.

I did manage to go out for a walk before the hot hot heat kicked in. I haven’t been closing my rings as much lately, pretty much exactly because of the heat and also my awesome new job which takes up a lot of my time and attention. Now that it’s the weekend, I just want to play my silly video games, work on my D&D game a bit, and not think about the world falling apart. Clearly I’m failing at that last goal. What can you do, aye?

As mentioned in my last post I do want to get a pet, a cat most likely. I think things are going to be stable enough that I can worry about someone not myself for a bit, and a cat would present just the right mixture of needs-attention and can-take-care-of-itself-sometimes, unlike, say, a dog, which to me feels a bit more dependent on direct attention. Dogs require excercise and walks and cleaning up their poop, where cats have the instincts to poop in one place, making cleanup a bit easier.

I have been drinking plenty of water, so that’s good. My calorie intake has been a bit high, and I’m not getting nearly enough fiber and protein, so I could be doing better in that regard. I will work on that one.

While dad was out on his dinner date, I went downstairs, took out the trash and the recycling, and mopped the kitchen floor. It was getting a little sticky, but it’s not anymore. Did you know that you can just use white vinegar to mop linoleum or whatever cheap apartments have for kitchen flooring? I added one cup of white vinegar to two gallons of hot water, and it worked like a charm. Once it dried you can’t even smell the vinegar, not that there was a lot to begin with.

Just need another fifty words. Good thing I allow myself to write out my thoughts. The whole point is to reach the goal, not make every post godsdamned poetic and perfect. These are the first drafts. I’m practicing showing up, not allowing my perfectionism to trip me up, y’know? I’m doing the best I can here.