Saturday Night Grief

It’s been a gray rainy day. Sure there have been moments where some blue sky shows through the clouds but those have been few and far between. I did manage to get out and do a short walk without getting too wet, but even that involved sheltering under a tree for a few minutes to avoid a shower that would have drenched me.

I’m restless and unfocused today, for reasons that I will post about shortly but can’t just yet. Bear with me. Good things have happened, but despite being positive news, it heralds a change, and I think I’m grieving the change, which… that’s weird, right? Oh, maybe not. Wait, I can’t ask you because you don’t know what this is all about.

Been basically snacking all day, since I’ve been primarily stuck inside. Coffee, two cherry turnovers, half a bag of Pirate Booty, a hot dog, three chicken tacos, a hot dog, a handful of mini cinnamon rolls, and a pickle. Oh, and a can of Squirt and a bottle of Mexican Coke. A lotta carbs. I’m sure the weird fuel I’m putting in my body has some kind of an effect on my mood, but I am not a fooditician so I cannot say for certain.

Worked on some maps for locations my players will definitely absolutely get to, and one location they might possibly get to, and another map for a location that’s really only important to me to detail. Once I start a map it comes together quickly, though I can endlessly add details unti the cows come home, which is a farming metaphor I don’t use often.

The change in weather has caused my ears to stop up, I think, leaving me fuzzy-headed and distracted by the sinus and ear pressure. Incredibly distracting and annoying.

It’s the middle of June and I had to turn my heat on in the apartment today. That just seems so weird. That’s how chilly it is today.

I got approved for a new credit card, a rewards card with no annual fee, which just seems incredibly reckless on the part of the credit card company, considering my ancient history with credit as well as the fact that I am currently unemployed and have been since October 13 last year. Far be it from me to shield giant financial institutions from the consequences of their own actions, though. First thing I did with the card was buy an subscription for the rest of the season. Go Dodgers!

Tomorrow is Father’s Day and tomorrow’s post will be about my dad and how I’m happy he’s still here and how we have a good relationship. Not in exactly those words, of course. I plan on picking a story about something we shared together to illustrate that. So look out for that. If you would prefer to avoid stories about dads at all, for whatever reason, feel free to skip the blog tomorrow. I won’t mind; just wanted you to know.