Little by Little

Harvey Danger’s third album has been mastered.

Per their main page, they’ve set a release date, named the album (“Little by Little”, not as catchy as their previous two) and are playing a show in Seattle to celebrate it… in freakin October.

Still, it will make me happy to hear new Harvey Danger material.

Finding Sean Nelson’s personal site, filled with his coolio writing and sample of some of the non-HD stuff he’s done, is tiding me over until freakin’ October. And I learned that all my heroes, like myself, self-Google. I wonder if they also ex-girlfriend-Google..?

I think I’m gong to refer to the tenth month of the year as “freakin’ October” now and for the rest of my life. It’s fun. G’head, try it yourself, see if it’s not.

Is there something I should know?

Reading the forums over at, I was astonished to discover that there are a bunch of unreleased studio recordings from the boys of HD. Not just bootlegs or demos, but actual professionally-done songs.

The track listing is:

  1. Save it for Later
  2. Beautiful World
  3. Snippet #1 (Warm-up)
  4. Plague of Locusts
  5. My Human Interactions
  6. Defrocked
  7. Snippet #2 (Voicemail)
  8. Ballad of a Tragic Hero (Pity and Fear)
  9. Is There Something I Should Know?
  10. Snippet #3 (Radio oui)
  11. Sometimes You Have to Work on Christmas (Sometimes)
  12. Carjack Fever (original version)
  13. Save it for Later (alternate version)
  14. Authenticity (alternate version)

Yes, Harvey Danger covered Duran Duran (track #9). Well, I guess there’s no accounting for taste.

And apparently if you ask nicely some kind souls have been emailing some of the recordings to faithful fans… which means that they’re probably available on the internets. But if you dig through the thread I linked to, above, “existential cowgirl” posted links to several of the tracks. Don’t know how long that’s going to remain up, though.

Yes I Am

KEXP is still fuckin’ with me. Or maybe I should see it as them trying to be nice?

At any rate, John in the morning played another Radiohead song I’ve never heard. He must have stumbled on a bunch of promos in the used bin down at the local music hangout.

The song? Yes I Am. Got to hear this one, unlike the other day.

The Amazing Sounds of Orgy

Aw, crap. Spent all morning harassing the fine d.j.’s at KEXP about a song that John played this morning around 7:11 AM.

See, it was a Radiohead song that I’d never heard, called “The Amazing Sounds of Orgy”. And because I only saw the song in the playlist but tuned in too late to hear it, I became, well, a teeny bit obsessed.

Because the listing on KEXP didn’t show an album title, I assumed it was new music, music from a forthcoming album. Couldn’t go back in the KEXP archives to listen to it (it takes several hours for the archive to update or be updated). Wanted to know more.

And both John and Cheryl are great on-air personalities. But wit the email, they’re not so communicative-y. Got terse answers from them. Didn’t help.

Well, I guess I should have just Googled the damn song. Turns out it’s a B-side from Amnesiac. Or so saith atease.web.

Still not a song I’ve heard, but now I can live without having the song. Since I apparently have to get my hands on a Japanese import to own it legitimately.

Get Blink

Question for my musically-interested readers:

Is the new Eels album (“Blinking Lights and Other Revelations”) worth buying?

The only review I’ve read is over at The Onion AV Club and it said that it’s long (2 CDs) and most of it is just the normal Eels stuff but there’s buried gold amongst the average tracks.

Bootleg Browser


A little somethin’-somethin’ for the two or three people who read my blog and like music.

Bootleg Browser.

Just sayin’.

Me, I’m not so much into the live music. Unless it’s a show I’ve seen and want to remember forever (Radiohead, I’m talkin’ to you.)

Update 27 February 2022: Sadly, Bootleg Browser’s link has rotted.

What’s the title, again?

The lyrics to track 11 on The Offspring’s “Conspiracy of One”:

So here we go
Having the same old fight again
There she goes
Same old game that never ends If I could say
The right words
I know I could make you stay
If I could say
The right words
Things would work out all right

And if you go
I won’t believe
That it’s forever

And you can go
But I’ll never leave
Cause it’s not over

Replay last night
Talking it out don’t make it right
I know she’s tried, but my whole world
Is her and all we’ve got now

And if you go
I won’t believe
That it’s forever

I won’t let go
Even if she say that it’s over
I know it’ll be
Different this time
If you’d just stay

And when we wrote this story
How did it end?
It was you and me for all our lives
Come on, don’t say it
We’ll try again
And if I’d just hold you
We could last

But she stands softly
Tears down her face
Hitting me, oh god
This is the end
I’d wait here for you
But there’s nothing more now I can do
How did you know
How did you know
How did you know

…take on a whole new meaning when you find that the title is “Denial, Revisited”.

CDs purchased

Today being payday, I finally bought some of the CDs I’ve been craving:

  • Beck, “Guero” (a solid Beck at his Beck-iest)
  • The Decemberists, “Picaresque” (rockin’!)
  • Louis XIV, “The Best Little Secrets Are Kept” (exactly what I expected!)

As per usual, there were several others that I wanted but when I got to the music store I completely forgot what they were. I should keep a list or something.

Stuck in my head

Curse you, KEXP! Curse you, morning DJ John in the Morning!

John (in the Morning) just played The Go Go’s this morning and now I’m gonna have “Vacation” (and Belinda Carlisle in a swimsuit) running through my head all day!

…and as if that’s not enough, clicking around on The Go Go’s official site, I stumbled across the all-male Go Go’s tribute band We Got The Meat, headquartered (where else?) in my hometown Portlandia, Oregonia.