Random Small Updates

Not sure what to write about tonight. I’ve started a new post a couple of times but no topic or idea emerged after a couple of hundred words so the other posts just petered out. Maybe what I need to do is string together a bunch of random small updates!

Update one: Streamed Fallout 3 again tonight on my YouTube channel for over two hours. I started out in Minefield and made my way stealthily up the street, picking up frag mines as I went, avoiding the scripted car explosions, and managed to out-snipe the sniper. Got the loot, then died twice exploring the houses and the rest of the town, hilarious. Finished off a couple other Moira’s quests (injuring myself and mole-rat repellent) and left it off after taking out some raiders and super mutants. Sadly, I muted myself at some point in the last hour to cough and forgot to unmute myself. I did end up with four views, though; my most successful stream! Yay!

Next stream is Sunday afternoon, 4 PM Pacific, 26 May, where I will try not to die sneaking past mirelurks. After that, not sure what to do? Should I work on the main quest and try to find Galaxy News Network, or should I dick around with side quests, like Big Town? I’ll decide later.

Screenshot from Fallout 3 showing the protagonist (white boy with glasses, head covered by a motorcycle helment, holding a submachine gun up, along the irradiated Potomac River. The DC ruins are in the background.

I’m in an exercise competition with my friend Christi and normally she kicks my ass. In the past she’s closed every ring twice every day, getting maximum points. This time, we’re basically neck and neck and it’s confusing. We don’t really like to compete, we just do this for motivation. But, y’know, still. My goals are: stand for at least one minute an hour 12 times/day; burn at least 550 active calories per day; exercise for at least 45 minutes per day. I almost always close all my rings, and especially during a competition.

Got a lot of doctor’s appointments for dad coming up. Hazards of getting old, I suppose. He’s grumpy about it but sees the need to keep going. I’m glad he’s here and I want to do whatever I can to help him.

No job prospects lately and it’s depressing as Hell. If you have or know about a position for a system administrator, senior help desk, or customer service agent in Portland or remote, please please please hire me. My resume is posted on my Hire Me page, in fact. I would also consider technical writing positions, copywriting gigs, or whatever you’ve got. Need income fast kthxbye.

I’m sure I’ve posted here previously about XOXO Festival, an art-tech conference held in Portland that showcases independent creators, writers, gamers, and social media stars, and run by the incredibly empathetic and enthusiastic Andy Baio and Andy McMillan. The last one planned was canceled when the pandemic hit, sadly. Well, they’re back for one last time! Coming this summer to Portland with a stellar lineup. I’ve volunteered before and will be volunteering again because a) I can’t afford an actual ticket and b) I wouldn’t miss it for the world.