A listing of recent positive habits

Another Saturday night and I ain’t got no… topic to write about. Let me just do some typing for a while and see what comes up. Today has been a slow day for me. Since becoming unemployed and having my dad move in while his space gets remodeled, my days have been bland and blah. I spend 80% of my time in my apartment, only leaving to go grocery shopping, or to get my dad to his appointments. I sit in my computer room looking for jobs I can apply for, rewriting my resume, or zoning out if there’s nothing else going on. Sounds super mentally healthy, huh?

I do carve out some time to work on my D&D game. My next session is next week, and I’m very much looking forward to it. Still need to get a handle on what my players want to do next but I have so many ideas for new plots or advancing the plots they’re interested in that my plot cup runs over, so I’m not worried about having enough material to start the next chapter off with a bang.

All my friends have stayed in touch but have been very hermit-y, if I can steal a word my friend Christi made up but describes exactly how we all feel. Tracy has been dealing with family stuff and work stuff, Christi has been doing work stuff for her business, my sister has been doing work things while also dealing with the house repairs from the January ice storm, my nephew and niece have just been working… we’re all just keeping our heads down and trying to get through to the good times that have to be coming. Right? Good times are coming?

I do manage to get at least 30 minutes of walking outside done a day. That’s been very helpful to get my body moving and get a break from sitting and staring at my screen. Once my cough clears up, and if the weather stops being so gray and rainy, I might start trying to jog-walk again. That was good. I’ve been trying to get at least some fiber-rich food daily, which also helps my body feel like it’s not running on fumes (where by “fumes” I mean “carbs in the form of sugar” mostly.)

Because dad has been helping with groceries we generally always have food in the house, which has also helped with my budget and with nutrition. Before dad got here I would eat out or order expensive delivery all the time, but I don’t do that when he’s here. I do sometimes, rarely, like once-a-week, sneak out to get a burrito or tacos or teriyaki from someplace close by, which makes me feel a little guilty for not sharing with dad. On the other hand, dad also goes across the street to a local bar for booze and sometimes food, so he’s not the only one not eating every meal at home these days. It balances out. Right?

Other habits of course include posting at least 500 words here daily, which is hard sometimes, like tonight, but other times, like last night, incredibly easy and fun and produces a story that I enjoy telling. The slog makes the good posts stand out and feel worth it. This is a habit I like pursuing.

But here’s to better times ahead, folks. Sending love to everyone, no exceptions.

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