Telecom cursed

On top of everything else, my work phone isn’t working, either. It just rang and wouldn’t go to voice mail.

So Debra from Qwest may not have been lying when she said she tried to call and couldn’t leave a voice mail yesterday. Maybe I’ve turned the corner. Maybe Qwest has decided to stop lying to me.

…naaaahhhhhh. One possibly truthful statement doesn’t negate 16 days of lies and irritation.

I guess I’m cursed now. Telecom cursed.


It’s been the Monday-est Monday ever.

It’s had everything: me forgetting stuff, bosses telling me multiple times to do stuff that I’m not supposed to do, battling with Qwest (still. Still!) over my lack of phone service.

Let me put it this way: having my teeth cleaned was the highlight of my day.

Talking to a girl on the bus, she’d mentioned that she’d had dinner with a friend in NW Portland. I told her that I’d been in NW this weekend past, and had had a pomegranate margarita, and that it had been good. “It was called a Persephone” I explained.

“Oh, that would be good. And good for you,” she confided.

“Really? You don’t think the alcohol would counteract the benefits of the pomegranate?”

“Oh, no.”

I smiled at her. “I like the way you think!” But, then, thinking it over, “But I’m afraid I’ve eaten too many seeds and now I’m stuck in Hell.”

Not non-noticing

Stopped at my favorite coffee shop tonight. Noticed the cute barista had cut her long, blonde hair off; it was all chopped off in the back. Cute, but I liked it longer.

Figured I should say something. Wanted to tease her a little. A comment with a sarcastic twist rose in my mind in much the same way most people fear change (i.e., without much conscious thought).

I walked over while I was waiting for my tall soy chai and said, deadpan, “You look different.”

She preened and smiled, “Yeah! I chopped off all my hair!”

“Huh. No,” I said, squinting at her, “I was thinking you looked taller.”

She turned serious. “I’ve heard that before, that’s so weird. Whenever I cut my hair, people think I’m taller!”

“Oh,” I said, still deadpan. “Really. Mostly, I was being sarcastic.”

“You’re not the first person to think that,” she said.

Well, I couldn’t have that. “Yeah, it’s probably because you’re all neck now.”

She laughed and stretched her head up. “It’s the giraffe effect!”

Yeah, that’s it.

Four Parks Run

I turned my “Three Parks Run” into a “Four Parks Run” on the fly.

Instead of going through Sellwood Park directly, I ran along the Springwater Corridor Trail until past the 3.5 mile mark, probably close to 3.8 miles, then went under the trail into the Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge and cut through it to a trail that zig-zags up the face of the bluff into Sellwood Park, then caught my normal path from there along the top of the bluff and onto Bybee Street, down to Westmoreland Park, etc., etc.

That had to add at least a half-mile, probably closer to a full mile, to the run. The original run is 3.5 miles, including the warm-up and cool-down (3 miles of it running) so I did a 4+ mile run today! And I only had to stop for traffic (and a stupid girl blocking the sidewalk in front of Saburo’s on Bybee!)


It’s “Mistaken Identity” weekend here at Chez Luna.

First, on Friday I met a friend, who asked me in advance if a friend of hers could come along. I said, “sure, no problem.” For some reason, I was expecting the as-yet-unmet person to be a 50-ish aging hippy. And she turned out to be a red-haired green-eyed anthropologist-slash-model. (Yes, my friend does have a friend like the one I was expecting; I just got mixed-up, is all.)

Then, today I was meeting face-to-face with someone I met online, and I had thought she was a 26-year-old dark-haired woman of Portuguese ancestry — but she wasn’t. She was in her 30’s, a red-haired woman of Caucasian descent.

Joke’s on me, I guess. I’m flexible. Had a good time anyway, both times.

Not that I care, or listen, but the universe is obviously trying to tell me something…

My first 10K will be…

I’ve found my first 10K race… the Nike Run Hit Wonder.

What an awesome idea for a race: gather a bunch of “one-hit wonders” like Ton Loc, Devo, Kajagoogoo, and Tommy Tutone, and have them play along the course.

Only freakin’ Nike would come up with something like that.

Got 8 weeks (give or take) to train for it.

I’m so there.

Oh, right, the week end

I went and added up my mileage for the week yesterday but forgot that my week ends today. I haven’t’ run today but I plan on doing it, and I’m going to do another 3.5 miles. Y’know, ’cause I rock.

Running update

Run to work yesterday. Because I haven’t been doing well I was unconcerned about time and pace; I just wanted to do the entire distance without stopping or walking. I failed to do that, because my iPod has started skipping. Turns out you really shouldn’t run with a hard drive after all. It’s still working, and when I get a chance to move my backups off it I’m going to reformat and reload my music and other files on to it, and run a full HD checkup. But not this weekend… well, maybe tomorrow if I get a chance.

So my final mileage for last week was 3.5 + 2.5 + 5.5 = 11.5 miles. Probably my best week, distance-wise, not so good time-wise. But, hey.

Next week I plan on easing back even more on the running and focusing on the gym, just for the change of pace, since I seem to have hit a plateau in running.

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned here that I’ve added sit-ups and push-ups daily. Basically, once a day (usually, but not always, at night before bed) I do as many of each in a row as I can. I ended this week with a paltry 29 sit-ups and 17 push-ups. I hope to increase the number significantly over time.

My groove is thoroughly harshed

Qwest still has not ported my landline number to my cell phone. I have lots of details but no time to divulge them in the rant-y manner in which they so completely deserve.

I’ve been dealing with Devin (Qwest employee #8220, direct phone number 602-665-4765). Well, if you call me leaving voice mails for him for the past half-week and not geting a fucking phone call back “dealing with”.

Oops, did I just post his phone number? Damn, now he’s on the IntarWeb.

NOTE: Please do not call the number I just posted above. Devin is a busy man and I’m sure that he’s hard at work resolving my issue, and I’m sure he doesn’t need any distractions from the fine job he’s doing for Qwest. I only posted it so that I would have reference to it when I need to call him.

One final question: How in the hucking fell does a company get away with such obvious disrespect for their customers?

Too much life, not enough writing


Been busy lately, and I have had lots of experiences and events to blog about, but just haven’t had the time.

Moved into a new apartment two weeks ago.

Saw the movie “Coffee and Cigarettes” — very funny. Any movie that has appearances by both Bill Murray and a Tesla coil (built by Jack White of the White Stripes!) gets a thumb’s up by me. “So, Jack, aren’t you going to tell me about your Tesla coil?”

Threw a housewarming party for myself last weekend, had a great time. Used my Nalgene bottle as a margarita shaker and now it smells like tequila! Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Although I was under the impression that Nalgene bottles never pick up a smell that couldn’t be washed out. When the party rolled out into the street and I woke the neighbors cracking the 8′ bullwhip I’d picked up in Mexico last Christmas I knew that this was one of the best parties I’d ever thrown. There will be more, oh, yes.

Hmm… could do a review of “The Sparrow” by Mary Doria Russell. A friend lent it to me when she found out I was an atheist. OK, I don’t know that the two thoughts were connected in her mind, but she did mention my “beliefs” when loaning it to me. It was a surprisingly well-written novel about a Jesuit expedition to another planet for a first contact with an alien species… or two… Thought-provoking. But I don’t want to spoil my coming conversation with my friend about this (are you reading, Anna?) so I’ll say no more for now.

My PC won’t frickin’ boot up. Just clicks through the speakers. I’ve tried troubleshooting it and have had no success. Sucks. Looks like either the power supply, the motherboard, or the processor is blown. Happened after the lightning storm earlier this week, although I’m sure that’s a coincidence. I powered it down and unplugged it during the storm just because I didn’t want anything to happen to it. Grumble, grumble. Now I have to build me a new PC. Oh, well, my trusty iBook is still up and running… (What? Me, tempting fate? I don’t believe in fate, remember?)

I’ve gained 5 lb since the party. Weird. Probably just a random fluctuation. It’s dropping back to what it was before, though. If it went up and stayed up for a while I’d be more worried.

Vitamins do help my running. Guess I have to start watching my actual nutrition, not just calories.

Went to a book reading at Powell’s by Davy Rothbart, of Found Magazine and it was so very very funny. Davy is a guy who finds things; photos, tossed-away notes and letters, personal items… and he scans them or takes pictures and puts them in his magazine. It’s funny and sad, seeing into random people’s lives and the stuff they write, never knowing the whole story, or even whether the intended recipient received the note or not. Davy’s brother also sang two songs based on items that appeared in Found — one song had me (and, apparently, only me) laughing uproariously, which only made it funnier. I could write so much more about that reading… that deserves a full post.

Shit. So much stuff, so much rich material… and I have to turn them into bullet points. Each one of those things deserves a full post all by itself. It’s funny; when I had almost nothing going on in my life, I had lots of time to write but not a lot to say. Now that I’ve got a much fuller life, I have no time to document or create stories. Paradox.