Pushups and stomach crunches

In other exercise-related news, I’ve managed to work my way up to 30 pushups and 60 stomach crunches daily. I’m sure I mentioned this before so don’t act all surprised.

I started off almost exactly one month ago with this daily regimen, on 7 June 2004. On that day I recorded 15 of each, and I remember that the 15 pushups were difficult for me. I’m so glad that I’ve been able to increase my pushups so much in that much time. The stomach crunches are another story; yeah, I can do a lot of them, but I still don’t have washboard abs. Realistically, I probably never will. If the muscles are getting toned and in shape, they’re still under a lot of loose skin, left over from my losing so much fat around my middle.

Kinda icky; when I do my pushups, if I look down underneath myself I can see the loose skin hanging down from my midsection. Bleh. It’s both a badge of honor and a source of revulsion to me. Yay, I lost weight. Bleh, I’m not perfect ‘n’ stuff.

Sore ankle

My right ankle was sore today. Actually had been since yesterday. Maybe I hurt it at the gym yesterday. At any rate, I figured it was best if I didn’t run today. I’ll ice it tonight and see how it is tomorrow. If it’s better, I’ll just start my schedule on Wednesday instead of Tuesday, push it back a day.

Bummer, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.

Burton’s Willy

Pardon me while I interrupt this blog with important news.

Can you imagine Tim Burton’s version of “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”?

Well, soon, you won’t have to

And, as a bonus, you won’t have to imagine Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka, either. Pshaw… like Burton would choose anybody else in the role…

Total mileage for the week: 16.75

Finished the week with a 3.5-mile run, not quite as planned. Also did the “gentle pickups”, as planned. My legs are sore now. Should have stretched… Oh, well.

I shouldn’t rely on my memory of what my schedule says, it seems. I was supposed to do a 4-mile run. I can’t trust myself to be accurate without double-checking.

That makes my total mileage for the week: 16.75. Still my best week ever!


Got a haircut today:

Geeze, you can really see my bald spot in there. Oh, well. I’m just this close to going completely bald. No Hair Club for Men for me!


I use Blogger to create posts for my blog (the thing you’re reading now). I mainly use my iBook to do it, and on my iBook I use Safari as my main browser.

In the Bookmarks Bar I keep links for both my main website, and Blogger.

I just noticed that there’s something missing. It should read

“Blog – Blogger – Bloggest”

Was that too far to go for a joke? I hope so…

Training Schedule for week of 7/5 – 7/11

  • Monday: Rest day.
  • Tuesday: 2 miles, 4×1:00 AI, 2 miles finish
  • Wednesday: 3 mile run (Waterfront/Esplanade? Three Parks Run?) or Rest day.
  • Thursday: 4 miles (Four Parks Run) + 3 GP
  • Friday: Rest day.
  • Saturday: 5.5 miles – Run downtown?
  • Sunday: 3.5 miles in my neighborhood.

Total miles for the week then will be between 18 and 21 (depending on if I run on Wednesday or not).
I decided that the lack of AI on Tuesday was a typo. I’m also planning on hitting the gym on my rest days for some upper-body training.

Ran to work

Ran 5 miles to work yesterday. I ran slow, remembering the advice from the training plan I’m following:

“Easy runs mean totally comfortable and controlled. If you’re running with someone else, you should be able to converse easily. You’ll likely feel as if you could go faster.”

So I took it very easy, and when I got to where I normally stop, at SW 1st and Madison, I just kept going. I still had lots of energy left. I finally stopped at SW 4th and Taylor, after going flat-out for a couple of blocks, but I could have continued even further.

I’ve estimated my normal route and distance at about 5 miles so I guessed I’d gone 5.5 miles, since I’d ran five or six blocks further than normal, but on Friday I sat down with some mapping software (Microsoft’s Streets 98, the only one I could find; Mapquest and Yahoo! Maps aren’t well-suited to figuring out distances on routes like that) and found that the total distance was only 5.24 miles. Oh, well, I’m not that disappointed. That gives me 13.24 miles for the week.

I did time myself, and my pace for the run was still under 10 minutes. In fact it was 9:56.507 (total time 52:05.7 for 5.24 miles).

Tomorrow I’m going to run… Oh, crap! I just checked my schedule and I’m supposed to run today! 4 miles with 3 “gentle pickups”. I thought that was for tomorrow… drat. I’ll have to do it tomorrow. It’ll be better for me to do it tomorrow. (Am I convincing myself yet?)

I’m looking at the schedule for next week and there are no “AI” days — Aerobic Intervals. It’s the only week without them. Is that a typo? I’ll have to compare it to the one printed in the magazine to double-check. Next post will be my schedule for next week.


I ran the Waterfront/Esplanade tonight after work. Two-point-five miles. I sucked because I’ve now run two days in a row, but, hey, that’s what the plan called for. I didn’t push myself very hard, as planned, but still had to walk several sections. I walked, maybe, oh, 10-20% of the distance.

So far this week I already have 8 miles total. Tomorrow’s a rest day, though. Then Friday I’ll be running five miles along the Springwater Corridor. Saturday will be 4 miles, bringing my total for the week to 17, which will be my best week ever. Of course, one of the goals of my training for this 10K run is to increase my weekly mileage.


Random learning

Saw something cool on Slashdot, the geek blog. For people that like to learn stuff, this is perhaps the best advice I’ve seen in a long long time:

I don’t remember when, where, who or how, but I once received a piece of advice I’ve never forgotten, which seemed wise at the time, and which I’ve since found invaluable.

“Every once in awhile, walk into a bookstore and buy a magazine devoted to a subject you know nothing about. Read it.”

There are magazines devoted to everything — sports cars, handguns, knitting, ferrets, Italian cooking, Civil War reenactments, log cabins, etc. Magazines are a terrific (and cheap) way to expand your horizons.
