Oh, man

I pigged out (apologies to any actual pigs reading this) last night. Not sure why but, after dinner, I went to Foster’s Market and bought a bag of Doritos ® Blazin’ Buffalo & Ranch ™ Flavored Tortilla Chips (the 99¢ bag), and not just one, not just two, but three delicious donuts – a jelly-filled, a chocolate creme filled, and a bear claw.

So good. Yes, I ate them. All of them.

And I sat and caught up on all the TV I have not been watching, and then I started watching “Almost Famous” (not the director’s cut) and then went to bed early.

This morning, when I counted up the calories I had yesterday, which included a Burgerville Pepper bacon cheeseburger and their Yukon Gold waffle fries… Oh, man. I had more than double the calories that I’m shooting for.

Now I’m sitting here in my running clothes and eyeing the mid-30° F weather outside, knowing I have to go run off some of these donuts and chips and cheeseburgers… and I’m just not feelin’ it.

Time to run.