Picture Gallery still broken

OK, OK, I know, I know, I know, OK? The picture gallery is still broken. I know I said I’d replace it if it had gone a week and I still hadn’t figured out what was wrong, but dammit, I was busy this weekend. So get off my back!

Interweb down

My InterWeb is down at home. I’m pretty sure it’s the cable modem (an RCA DCM245, what a piece of junk) because it just cycles through its startup sequence over and over again. It never establishes a connection.

I’m posting this from a sidewalk outside the Ugly Mug coffee shop in Sellwood at 1:49 AM Saturday. Cars driving by keep giving me funny looks. I half-expect a policeman to show up and ask me what I’m doing.

But, dammit, I need my ‘Net access.

30 hours to go until the Run Hit Wonder. Whoo! I got my shirt and timing chip (not the same as the chip that Nike implants into their employees) yesterday on my lunch break.

Photo Gallery update

Yeah. Still broken. Working with my webhost to get it fixed. My apologies that it’s taking so long.

Once again, you can view the pictures if you choose “original size” from the drop-down menu. Also, due to my own damned fumblefingers, I’ve lost my pictures from the Bridge-to-Bridge run in, I think, May. I’m going to try to scrounge up some replacements, but probably not until after I get the gallery working again.

I might have to replace the gallery with something else. If this takes much longer (I’ll give it another week) I’ll do that.

Thanks for your patience.

Technical difficulties

OK, sorry, my picture gallery is broken.

You can view the images at their original size. Just select “original size” from the drop-down menu. Sorry for the inconvenience, I’m working on getting it fixed.


If anyone besides me is reading this (*tap* *tap* “Is this thing on?”) Sorry for the triplicate post on Sunday. It’s been fixed.

Actually, I know people other than myself are reading this; the server logs show me some referrers and search items leading to my webspace, and addresses that aren’t mine hitting the site… but I don’t really have the time to spend hours going over the logs. I’ll just say “HI” and drop me an email if you’re so inclined.


Damn. Still have to figure out how to get the archives to list in reverse order. Probably something simple I’m just missing.

Site update

Made a couple of small changes to the site. Archives are now linked and saved by month. I figure I’ve been doing this enough to warrant that change.

Also, moved my favorite links to the top of the left column.

Whee. I’m giddy with excitement.

Don’t be confused by this post

OK, turns out that archiving is working just fine. My main page will always show 7 days worth of posts. And even though my posts are spread out over the past couple of months, they’re still only posts from seven (non-consecutive) days.

Confused? Don’t be. It’s not that important for now.


Archives are now working. Well, again, sort of. I’m still trying to figure out how to drop posts off the main page after they’ve been archived. I’m sure there’s a way to do it; I’ll figure it out. I just tend to work on projects a little at a time, rather than intensely focusing for hours (days?) on end until it’s done. I just work better that way.

See? Now you’ve learned something about me.

That reminds me; I’m going to add an “about me” page, just because. The link will show up on the left-hand side, along with all the other links.