Meta: Belated anniversary

Damn. Did it again.

Missed the anniversary of my blog.

Two years and two days ago I posted my first post.

Happy anniversary, Lunar Obverse!

Maybe I’ll go back and post links to some of my favorite posts. And maybe pigs will fly out of my butt.

Meta: Hello out there

Wacky, wacky internets.

I love browsing the stats that are recorded for my site. It’s amazing what I can find out. I’ve done this before and noted the weird search terms that people use and then end up on my blog, for instance.

But this time, I’m looking at the referrers. In other words, pages that had a link to my blog.

The wackiest one is… someone clicked on a link on Cam Girls Live and it took them to my site. It’s #12 on the list… for a total of 3 hits.

Whaaaaaat…? How funny. Cam girls?

(It should go without saying that the “Cam Girls Live” link is not safe for work. But I’ll say it, anyway.)

Damn, I’d love to know who it was. If you’re reading this right now, use the Contact Me page and tell me just what you were doing… and who you were *ahem* “chatting” with… when you clicked over here. And what were you looking for here, of all things?

Meta: Picture of the week

Updated my Picture of the Week (see, over there? In the right top corner of the page?) with one of a bunch of pictures I took yesterday walking off a gianormous Pepper Bacon Tillamook Cheeseburger I had for lunch from Burgerville. Mmmm… pepper bacon and Tillamook cheese… soooo gooooood.

At any rate, I took a bunch of pictures and couldn’t really decide on just one for my POTW so I thought I’d direct some attention to the whole gallery. Because it’s Independence Day and I’m feeling lazy I’m not going to include thumbnails here, just links.

Meta: rearranging

Meta note:

Sorry for any potential confuzzlement. I rearranged the previous two posts so that they would follow the chronological order of the events they describe.

It’ll all make more sense when the series is finished. Yes, they’re parts of a series.

Meta: site statistics

So, pouring over my site statistics lately. There was a huge, atypical surge in traffic on March 1st, and I’ve been trying to figure out what caused it. I mean, I normally see around 10,000 hits for the month since around October last year, but so far for March I’ve got over 12,000 as of midnight last night (when the site stats update), and over 4500 of them came on one day.

In looking over all the stats that webalizer is providing, I can trace the huge spike to my posting about Jef Raskin’s passing over that weekend. Come Monday, a site called “Web Pro News” found my site and included my small posting along with several others as a tribute. Web Pro News was the referrer for 4400 of those hits, linking to me that day. Interesting. And now I link back to Mr. Rich Ord, completing the circle.

I’ll bet that I don’t generate as much traffic for him as he generated for me… I’m OK with asymmetry, though.

Meta: picture archives

If you notice broken pictures back in the archives, just know that I’m rearranging stuff on the server. Sorry.

Meta: added RSS

Added RSS (well, technically, Atom) feed support to Lunar Obverse.

Firefox users should now see an orange icon in the toolbar in the lower right-hand of the toolbar. Other RSS- or Atom-feed savvy users can use this link.

More about RSS (a.k.a. Really Simple Syndication) here.

Meta: Blogger change

Apparently Blogger has changed the way it handles comments: No longer is a Blogger account required for your name to be attached to a post, for instance. This change happened over the weekend.

Another change they implemented (but I haven’t decided to turn on yet) is to let comments appear in a popup window. Comment on whether you prefer it or not…

Here’s the details for those who want them.

(Hint: please leave a name on any comments…)

Meta: pics, Blogtastic, comments

Site update notes:

  • First, I rearranged the pictures in the picture gallery, which probably broke a bunch of links back in the archive. Sorry. Maybe someday I’ll get around to updating all of those. After I move the site to Blogtastic, maybe.
  • Speaking of Blogtastic, (a blogging program developed by Caleb) I intend to spend this week working on the final design for my new site design and to get it moved over. I’ll still post here; all my development is going to be done at (as I post this there’s nothing there. I’ll throw up an index so at least there’ll be something to look at).
  • There is no third thing.
  • Fourth thing is, I wanted to warn everyone that when I do update my site, it looks like I’ll probably lose all the past comments. So if there’s something you’re particularly attached to, I don’t know, save it and email it to me or something.