Good news, everyone!

I’m just 3 or 4 days from receiving my 500,000th hit since moving my server, calculated from my web stats page.

I’ll do a big shot of vodka when I cross that threshold. Or gin. Or dance a jig. One of those.

I’m probably posting my survey tonight. Unless I think of more questions to ask. Y’all are OK with answering a 50-page survey, right? Right?

Fun with statistics

OK, so I’ve finally got my web stats page working* and I noticed that I’m coming up on 500,000 hits since I moved my site to my own server back in August.

Since my daily average of hits for April is ~1800/day, I should cross the threshold of a half-million hits in about 17 days, or around the end of the month.

Yay, me!

Assuming my traffic remains the same, I’ll pick up my 1,000,000th hit in mid-January next year. Will I finally be popular then?

* Mostly – if you click and it redirects to http://Eggers.local/webalizer, try replacing “Eggers.local” with “” in the address line. Yeah, it’s a weird DNS thing I don’t know how to fix.

I swear

I swear I’ll get back to the stories soon. I promise. But one last post about my home network and my smaller domains.

I fixed my home network tonight.

My Mac mini was… ahemasleep. Yes, when I transfered over my settings from the laptop (my main computer) to the Mac mini, it also transfered over my Energy Saver preferences, like going to sleep to save power after about 15 minutes. Ugh. Simple problem, simple fix.


Oh, snap. I didn’t try to reach my domains from a different network – just tried it from my laptop, already on my home network. This morning I can’t get to them at all. Can’t tell if my cable provider is blocking me (finally, after months and months of not blocking me), or if I messed something up.

I hate spending so much time fixing something, and then finding out it’s broken again. That sucks. But there’s a chance it’s not my fault.

Not that that makes me feel any better. But, y’know.

Seven hours

OK, my smaller domains are back up and running:

So… about seven hours to get it all back up from (almost) scratch.


Oops, my smaller domains,,, and are all offline at the moment. Working on it. Sorry.

Meta: so close now

Sorry things have been so quiet around here (also here and to a lesser extent here).

Believe me, I have no end of things I could comment on, or write about. I’m marinating in snark and need to get it all out. However…

I’ve been deep in designing my new look. I’m really excited about it and can’t wait to show you all. It fits all the criteria I wanted – clean, modern, valid HTML, XHTML and CSS. It’s also an obvious evolution from what I’ve been using.

I’m posting this on Saturday morning – I should be switching over to the new site by Sunday evening. Just a few more kinks to work out, especially on the comments, and I’ll be done.

I also want to add an “about me” section, and reformat my blogroll and links. I’ll need to go back and fix any broken links in my almost 1000 posts, and make the picture gallery match the look of the rest of the site. I’ll do all that after the rollout, though.

I’ve learned a lot, and have to give reluctant thanks to John Gruber of Daring Fireball for forcing me to dig in and code my stuff myself, as well as extra thanks to Caleb Phillips of small white cube, my webhost, for help and patience. And no thanks to my mortal enemy for borking the connection to the server at odd times and hours, usually when I’m expecting an important email or, y’know, working on my site. Fuckers.

Meta: this close

Update on site re-design:

I’m this -> <- close to being ready to roll it out!

I just need to:

  • design a logo,
  • tweak the colors a bit,
  • figure out what’s going in the sidebar,
  • get the comments section working,
  • go back through the archives and fix broken links,
  • get all the little “goodies” like the drop-down menus working,
  • and update the picture gallery css,

…and I’ll be done.

I think y’all will be pleased with the result. Very pleasing, simple design, easy to read and dial-up friendly.

It should even be mobile-device friendly for those of you reading my blob on Blackberries or cell phones or PDAs. Y’know… management-types.

Meta: Atom feed

On the other hand, for the millions of my readers who depend on instant updates of all content on this site* via RSS or Atom feeds, I believe I have fixed my broken Atom feed for now.**

You should see the link over in the right sidebar, or if you’re using a modern browser (sorry IE users) you’ll see the tell-tale orange feed link in its appropriate place.

* And by “millions” I mean probably none of you.

** And by “for now” I mean until I update the site and forget to fix the broken site feed again.