Merry Newtonmas!

Thanks to Edwin Kagin of Blasphemous Blogging, who has compiled a list of the many deities who were alleged to have been born on December 25th:

Hmmm, that list looks fairly complete. Did he leave one out? I can’t tell.
Be sure to click through to Kagin’s list; he lists a bunch of facts regarding each of these deities that might sound familiar to a modern American theist.

…but to a scientist, even an amateur one like myself, the most important birthday today is Sir Isaac Newton, father of classical physics.

At least he was born on 25 December in the Julian, or Old Style, calendar. Dates are such fuzzy things sometimes.


I removed Bacchus because that’s the Roman name for Dionysus, and shouldn’t be confused with Saint Bacchus, a Christian martyr; Dionysus predates Christianity by a couple of centuries at least. I also fixed the link to Tammuz. – 12/25/2008 12:10 PM bam