Do you have soul? Well, that depends.

Walked downstairs last night to take my dirty dishes to the dishwasher and dad was on the couch watching a very young John Cusack and an even younger Jack Black.

I gasped. . “Is that High Fidelity?”

Dad grunted. “No, hang on,” he fumbled for the remote and paused it, “it’s… oh, yeah. High Fidelity.”

“That is literally a Top 5 movie for me.” That was a reference. “I love that movie. I didn’t realize it was streaming.”

“Yeah. It’s alright, I guess.”

I gasped again. “You’ve never seen it?”

“No.” His tone of voice gave away that he was surprised I liked it, and that I was reacting so strongly. I got the impression he was just looking for something to watch.

“Well, I would love to hear your thoughts about it when you’re done.” I put the dishes away and went back upstairs, and soon to bed.

In the morning, I went downstairs after showering and dressing, and dad was making coffee. I got my vitamins, waited for the coffee, nonchalant.

“So. What did you think of High Fidelity?”

“It was OK I guess.”

“You didn’t like it?”

“It was a little silly.”

Silly? I didn’t say it out loud, only thought it.

He continued. “But I guess rom-coms often are.”

OK dad, fine, keep your secrets then.

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