Meta: tired

Man, is it just me, or is this place looking a little… tired lately?

Someone should do something about that.

Meta: domain name transfered

Domain name update: I just received notification from that my domains have been successfully transferred from, Inc.

Yay! I was worried that it would fail before they expired on 7 January 2006, and that I would lose control. But my worst fears did not crystalize, and now my domains are in the loving care of the French.

Meta: moving to Flickr

I’m starting to move my best pictures over to Flickr. I’ll still have my photo gallery here (that will be all my pictures, even the bad out-of-focus ones), but the ones I like the most will be found here. I’ll add a link to the sidebar when I feel like it.

I like Flickr for its organizational tools, like tags and descriptions and the slideshow and all that.

Right now it’s mostly pictures of Smacky. I accidentally resized them to 800×600 (they were shot at 1600×1200) but what the hell, it’ll save on bandwidth.

Meta: domain transfer

Administrative note for the site (new posts below this one until noon on 3 January 2006):

My site (and email) may go down unexpectedly in the next couple of days. I’m in the process of transfering my domains from to a cheaper, and coincidentally non-US, registrar,

Once it goes through I’ll be saving some money; Register charges US$35.00/yr per domain, and GANDI charges €12/yr per domain. Since I’m moving three domains, I’ll save over US$60.00, depending on the exchange rate.

Since my email is tied to the domain, if anyone has any urgent emails to send me, it would probably be best to use [the domain you’re at right now] at Gmail (dot com) for the next week. Thanks, although I have to say, I don’t expect much urgent email for the next week. Heh.

Happy New Year, y’all.

Update: After thinking about it, I realized that there probably shouldn’t be any problems, since DNS for my domains is handled separately from my registrar. I’m leaving this note up, though, just in case. I received emails from Register that the transfer will happen on 1/3/2006, so that’s the day anything that might go wrong… uh… might go wrong.

Meta: Links page

Small update:

I updated my links page with a bunch of new cool stuff I’ve found on the intarweb. None of these are cutting-edge or new, but they’re new to me. A couple of highlights of great time-wasting sites:

  • Boing Boing – geeky fun stuff listing
  • 43 Things – collaborative site for to-do lists… basically. Or it started out that way. Go look. It’s fun.
  • Flickr – a photo-hosting site that uses collaboration to organize an amazing amount of pictures from all over. I can spend an hour going through their photos organized by “interestingness”.

Edit: fixed the link to Boing Boing. My bad.

Meta: Belated anniversary

Damn. Did it again.

Missed the anniversary of my blog.

Two years and two days ago I posted my first post.

Happy anniversary, Lunar Obverse!

Maybe I’ll go back and post links to some of my favorite posts. And maybe pigs will fly out of my butt.

Meta: Hello out there

Wacky, wacky internets.

I love browsing the stats that are recorded for my site. It’s amazing what I can find out. I’ve done this before and noted the weird search terms that people use and then end up on my blog, for instance.

But this time, I’m looking at the referrers. In other words, pages that had a link to my blog.

The wackiest one is… someone clicked on a link on Cam Girls Live and it took them to my site. It’s #12 on the list… for a total of 3 hits.

Whaaaaaat…? How funny. Cam girls?

(It should go without saying that the “Cam Girls Live” link is not safe for work. But I’ll say it, anyway.)

Damn, I’d love to know who it was. If you’re reading this right now, use the Contact Me page and tell me just what you were doing… and who you were *ahem* “chatting” with… when you clicked over here. And what were you looking for here, of all things?

Meta: Picture of the week

Updated my Picture of the Week (see, over there? In the right top corner of the page?) with one of a bunch of pictures I took yesterday walking off a gianormous Pepper Bacon Tillamook Cheeseburger I had for lunch from Burgerville. Mmmm… pepper bacon and Tillamook cheese… soooo gooooood.

At any rate, I took a bunch of pictures and couldn’t really decide on just one for my POTW so I thought I’d direct some attention to the whole gallery. Because it’s Independence Day and I’m feeling lazy I’m not going to include thumbnails here, just links.

Meta: rearranging

Meta note:

Sorry for any potential confuzzlement. I rearranged the previous two posts so that they would follow the chronological order of the events they describe.

It’ll all make more sense when the series is finished. Yes, they’re parts of a series.