Boxing Day run

Merry Day-After Christmas Eves’ Eve to you all!

Today was a pretty good day for me. Got up fairly early and fairly un-hungover (last night I was drinking Finlandia and Squirt… kind of a quick-‘n’-dirty Greyhound) and picked up my FlexCar for the day. I had a little bit of Christmas shopping left to do, and then I was going to run.

I had originally planned to run at the gym, but today was very mild in comparison to the last several weeks – in the 50s, no rain, no wind. Looking around I saw lots of other runners, and realized that it would be good to get off the treadmill and out in streets.

I called my nephew, Max, to see if he’d like to join me and he did. After finishing my shopping, I went to pick him up, then we went out on my 3.5 mile loop. We walked the first half-mile to warmup, and since I’ve been hoping to helpl Max train more, he set a goal of running without stopping to walk for at least 15 minutes. I figured that was an achievable-but-challenging goal for him, as he had to stop to walk at around the 8-10 minute mark in our last race. Hopefully, without the pressure of a race day, he could do it.

And I stayed with him for the entire run, and it turned out to be challenging for me, as well. With the exception of the races I’ve done in the last couple of months, I haven’t run outside at all. I guess I’ve gotten used to the treadmill and have forgotten what it’s like to deal with asphalt, and cars, and hills. But we still turned in a very good performance for a training run. Actually, Max did better than any race he’s ever entered. He’s a rock star!

I wore shorts and a short-sleeved shirt, my Asics, and no music. I did use my inhaler, and took an extra dose of Claritin-D for my allergies and sinuses.

Here’s my half-mile splits:

  1. 4:54.1 (04:54.1)
  2. 5:04.4 (09:58.4)
  3. 4:40.0 (14:38.4)
  4. 5:21.6 (20:00.0)
  5. 5:22.5 (25:22.5)
  6. 5:20.3 (30:42.8)

That gives us a 10:14.3 average pace for the run, which as I noted above is awesome for Max, and pretty damn close to what I do in the gym lately. I knew Max could be a runner! When I asked him about his time today, he said “I don’t know. Some days I feel like running, and some days I don’t.”

Truer words were never spoken.

Since tomorrow will be spent around family, Max and I might sneak out for another run, probably go downtown to run around the waterfront and the Esplanade. I know I’ll want a break from family stuff tomorrow… I love them dearly but… well, you know.

Eating like a bear

Running update:

I’ve still been eating like, well, like a bear storing up loads of adipose tissue for a nice long hibernation. Well, like a bear who works near a Starbucks’ and loves cinnamon, chai, eggnog, and peppermint mocha, not to mention cookies and almond! M&Ms! and anything chocolate and that’s not even counting the gianormous burritos and chips and adding bacon to everything bacon’s good on… yeah. Where was I? Oh, right, running.

So I knew I needed some hard running. My allergies or whatever are still flaring up, and that puts a damper on my speed, so I decided on distance. (I still need to add the strength training that I’ve been yapping about for weeks; soon, I hope) Tonight I planned on 4.5 miles. I knew it would be busy at the gym and I knew I would probably have to break that into two sections but I was going to do that much distance before going home or the gym closed. Ha, ha, just kidding. It’s open 24 hours, see, so… yeah.

Wore the Adidas, took a hit off my probably-completely-empty inhaler (it’s a psychological crutch by now) and wore shorts and a short-sleeved shirt. Music was Green Day’s “American Idiot” and the good parts of the Kill Bill Vol. 1 soundtrack.

Annnnnnd… I was off and running. Had to start out on my second-favorite treadmill but that’s OK. It doesn’t have much of a shelf but I had forgotten my towel and didn’t really need the shelf. I set a nice steady 10:20 pace and started running. I decided that I would run for 30 minutes or 3 miles before taking any kind of a break, whether a bathroom break, for water, or just a walking break. After 2 miles I bumped up the speed a bit, and then again around 2.5 miles. And I plodded along and did, in fact, manage to make it to near 3 miles without breaking anything other than a sweat. I did fantasize about making it to 3.5 miles, so I just had to finish with a 1.0 mile cooldown, but my digestive system did not cooperate. I finished with about 0.1 mile of 8:06 pace and logged, in my first segment, 3.1 miles in 31:36 or so, for an average pace of about 10:12. Meh. But it was a tempo night, not a speed night.

Did have to use the bathroom, and returned to the treadmill about 5 lb. lighter and ready for my final 1.4 miles. I set a 9:50 pace and just stayed there. Breathing was a teensy-tiny bit constricted but I tried to relax and just go with it and nothing untoward happened. My sinuses did start clogging up, too. Ugh. I hate these allergies. I decided I wanted to end with a couple of 30 second fast segments, so when the timer rolled over to 13:30 I pushed the speed up to 8:06 again for a full 30 seconds, the dropped back to my 9:50 pace for 30-45 seconds, the back up to 8:06 pace for another 30 seconds, and by then I had gone past 1.5 miles. I neglected to check the exact speed (good for me!) but it was pretty close to 15:15 and just a shade over 1.5 miles.

Did my new-normal stretching routine, drank what felt like a gallon of water at the fountain, and I was done. 4.6+ total miles for the night.

NOTE TO SELF: Even though I have next Wednesday off due to it being my birthday, the gym is going to be doing work in the showers that day.

Treadmill Asics

Ran tonight.

Gym, treadmill, Asics, used the inhaler, planned on 3 miles.

Mostly kept a 10:00 pace, but near the end of each mile (0.1 mile to go) I bumped the speed up to just a touch faster than I thought I could handle tonight (which worked out to be anywhere from an 8:35 pace to, around the 2 mile mark, an even 8:00 pace) until I rolled over to the next whole mile. Finished in 30:00 with 3.05 miles total.

Did a comprehensive stretching routine after

It was hard to get the energy to go. Cold, wet weather, short days, having been house-bound all day Sunday due to snow and freezing rain, the persistent allergies due to mold… damn, this winter is getting to me. It’s kinda hard to stay motivated. I’ll stick with it, though, because it will pay off when the season starts changing and I can run outside again.

Attempted treadmill intervals

Quick running update:

Yesterday, at the gym, wearing my Adidas, I attempted my treadmill intervals (1 mile warmup, 4x 4:00 fast, 2:00 slow, 1 mile cooldown). Had to take a break at the halfway mark (bathroom break) and had to walk twice during my slow segments. Ugh.

Total distance covered was 4.46 miles, well below what I was doing before. But I’ll get back on track.

First draft running

Last Tuesday I had a crappy, crappy run. My asthma – excuse me, my exercise-induced breathing difficulties – were acting up, in spite of the shot of albuterol I took prior to running. I had had a bad sinus headache that ended up in my ear the night previous to that, and by the following day it was gone except for a lingering running nose. It was all messed up in there behind my eyes and between my ears.

Wow, that previous paragraph jumped all over chronologically, didn’t it? But to hell with it; blogging is essentially first-draft anyway. I’m leaving it as-is.

Anyway, Tuesday I ran about three miles total, but had to break it into two 1.5-mile segments, and each segment was slower than a really slow thing. I wasn’t happy with my performance at all, and knew I could do better.

I was so discouraged by my performance Tuesday night that I skipped any kind of workout at all last night, just went home and lazed around and ate Thai food and drank delicious holiday drinks and thought about cleaning up my apartment, another thing that’s discouraging me. I can’t concentrate in a messy apartment.

So, today, I approached the gym after work with a mix of optimism and pessimism. I wanted to do some speedwork, but thought that might be pushing it. I always try to decide on my goal before starting my workout and then stick to it, but tonight I was uncertain what I was going to be doing until I had finished walking a quarter-mile to warm up. I decided on 4 miles tempo pace, which works out to about a 10:00/mile pace for me.

My ankles, both left and right, were giving me warning signs through the first mile, but I just tried to relax and let everything “fall” into the right configuration, if that makes any sense. Instead of trying to impose perfect form on myself, I just kept my head high, let my breathing come at a natural rhythm, and tried to zone out and not overthink my form. It seemed to work, because at the start of my second mile, I was feeling well enough to up the pace a bit, and finished my second mile with about two minutes of around an 8:35 pace. Instead of stopping for water or a walking break, I decided during the second mile that I would push through for at least 30:00, see where I was, and then continue to 40:00 at whatever pace I wanted. Around 2.9 miles, I pushed the pace up to 8:00, and I ended up hitting mile 3 at 29:30 total, which felt really good, before dropping to a walk for less than a minute. Then I ran the pace back up to 10:00/mile for almost the remainder of the last full mile. At 3.85 miles, I sped up to an 8:35 pace again, and kept it past the 4.0 mile mark (39:36 total) and kept going for another minute or two. I think around 4.06 miles I finally slowed to a walking speed to cool down.

It felt really good. My asthma did not show up, and after the first mile of slight pains from my ankles and calves, especially the outside of my calves, I had no other discomfort.

I do want to find a stretch for that area (outside of my calves and or my IT band) because that still feels really tight. I also notice that when standing, my feet want to pronate a lot, to where I’m standing on the outsides of my soles, and I have to consciously flatten out my feet so they’re resting full on the ground. Something to watch in the future.

I’m keeping these shoes (Oh! Tonight I wore my Asics; last Tuesday I wore the Adidas) through the winter, but come spring I’m going to go through the whole fitting process again because I believe my gait/stride has changed since I first started running. Just a note for the future.

I’m definitely running tomorrow and Saturday or Sunday. Still not back up to 20+ miles per week but I’m not really in training for anything specific. Probably good to focus on non-running exercise for at least the next couple of weeks.

But, y’know, I’m not going to be able to stop running. Just not gonna happen.

Red-Nosed RUN Deer 2005 race report

My nephew and I participated in the Red-Nosed RUN Deer this weekend. It was freakin’ cold, as expected, and I wore three layers for my run. I think Max had on two layers. At any rate, we averaged about a 12:00 pace for an estimated total time of about 37:15. That time, however, includes the time it took for us to reach the starting line; our chip time will be less than that, I believe. There was quite a crowd! Lots of antlers and Santa caps. Max and I just had on our race t-shirts and sleigh bells.

On my suggestion prior to the race, Max had stated that his goal was to beat his last 5K time. That would have been the Run Like Hell in October. Max’s chip time in that race was 36:51, so, depending on how much time it took us to cross the starting line, he may have actually achieved his goal! He came pretty close, though, and I think he’s doing great, considering that he’s not actually training. He exercises in school, but it’s not really structured for learning to run longer distances. So the only “training” he gets is in these races, and, frankly, no one would improve if they only trained once per month.

I’m afraid I might have set the bar too high by suggesting that he could have aimed for an average 10:30 pace for the race. He had managed about a 10:35 pace for the first two miles of the Turkey Trot in November – but, admittedly, that was entirely downhill. I hope he’s not disappointed at all for his showing in this race. For a novice (and I consider myself barely out of novice stage) there’s still a huge difference between 2 miles and 3.1 miles.

I think, with just some regular training, Max could be easily beating me (his still-chubby, short, over-40 uncle).

I’m proud of him for going out and trying, and for setting goals, even if he’s not achieving them right away.

So… our next race is the First Run, starting just after midnight on New Year’s Day… I will help Max be a little better prepared for this one. And, no matter what, it will be our fastest race of 2006.

I blew it

OK, so I’ve blown the schedule I set for myself earlier this week.

I went to the gym last night to run, but, as has been the case the past couple of weeks, it was crowded. And, to make it even more difficult to find a treadmill, four of the good treadmills were out of commission. Ugh. So, instead of waiting around for one of the two remaining good treadmills, I bagged it and decided I would get up early and run.

Man, oh, man, was that difficult. I set the alarm for 4:30 AM, which did actually wake me up, but I just shut off the alarm and went back to sleep. I faded in and out of sleep for the next 45 minutes until I decided that, yes, indeed, I did need to get up and go to the gym.

And I did. I was stiff and cold and tired and hungry, but I went to the gym. Did I mention cold? (Man, it’s gonna be so freakin’ cold on Sunday when I run in the Red-Nosed RUN Deer) And, since I thought I was supposed to do my scheduled speedwork on Thursday night, and I hadn’t looked at my schedule for what I was supposed to be doing on Friday, I just decided I’d do an easy 3.5 miles.

Turns out that I had scheduled 3.5 miles for Thursday, and my speed workout for Friday. So, I’m not that far off right now. I think I’ll do my intervals on Saturday. The race isn’t going to be that stressful. Y’know, except for the cold. But since I’m running with my nephew, I can just burn him for warmth (just kidding).

Not running much

Running update:

Haven’t been running much lately. I ran twice in the past two weeks: once for 3 miles, once for 4 miles. And, yeah, the past two weeks have included some heavy holiday eating. So… that’s not so good. But as of this week I am officially back in stride.

In that spirit, I am posting my schedule/goal for this week:

  • Monday: 3.0 miles
  • Tuesday: 4.0 miles + strength
  • Wednesday: Rest day.
  • Thursday: 3.5 miles + strength
  • Friday: 4.5 miles – treadmill intervals (speed)
  • Saturday: Rest day + strength
  • Sunday: Red-Nosed RUN Deer 5K with my nephew!

Only about 18 miles this week – want to start back in slowly. But no worries, I’ll be back up to my 20+ miles per week in no time.

Oh, and also, I’m going to be adding at least a half-hour of weight training three times/week to my training. I’m not sure how I’ll break it all down, but just want to do something for each major muscle group (arms, chest, abs, back, legs) on a regular basis.

Thanksgiving weekend report

So, Thanksgiving weekend has come and gone.

My plans for the weekend involved renting a car, running in the ORRC Turkey Trot 4-mile run Thanksgiving morning with my nephew Max, and then he and I would drive down to Lincoln City to meet up with the rest of the family for Thanksgiving on the Oregon coast.

The first part went according to plan. I had reserved a compact car from Hertz, but when I showed up, they had given me a “free upgrade” to a Pontiac G6 Sedan GTP: 240 HP 3.9 liter V6, leather interior, sun roof, 6 disk CD changer, traction control, Tiptronic 5 speed transmission… the works. It was going to be a fun car to drive to the beach! I realized that it had a downside, though, when the gas gauge showed only 3/4 after only 21 miles. Yikes. Oh, well, all good things come with a cost…

The other downer was waking up Wednesday with a sore left ankle. I don’t know how I’d hurt it. I hadn’t run all week, since the previous Sunday. But Wednesday morning, I had a muscle ache that felt like a twisted ankle. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to run the next day or not. When I talked to my sister, I mentioned the possibility of me not running, and she told me that Max had been looking forward to the race all week; he was, at that moment, picking out some running pants, since it was likely to be quite cold for the run. I felt bad, but injuries happen (even if I had no idea how this particular one had happened).

My nephew and I drove up to the Oregon Forestry Center, dressed as warmly as possible for the run. We picked up our shirts and bib “numbers” (since it was a fun run, it wasn’t timed and there were no actual numbers), then tried warming up. After just a few short minutes, up and down the hills near the Zoo, I could tell that there was no way I would last for the 4 miles of the run. I asked Max if he’d be OK running by himself, and after some thought, he agreed. I apologized for not running in this one. I waited with him at the starting line, and then after it started I found my dad, who had showed up to get some pictures.

And I was very impressed at Max’s time in the race! He ran 2 minutes per mile faster than he had run in our last race! His final time was almost exactly 45:00 even! He is really improving. I’m looking forward to our next race.

Then we drove down to the beach house, and I gorged myself for two whole days on the traditional Thanksgiving fare; ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing… and plenty of pie. We played Trivial Pursuit, which my sister’s father-in-law, Tom, won every time. It stormed and rained for most of the time, which is fine since the beach house is right on the beach and has a fireplace. Warm, cozy and we all went a bit stir-crazy but that’s normal for family. Right?

I also did a little bit of gambling at the Chinook Winds Casino… I’m not much of a gambler, so I managed to lose about $25.00. But it was fun.

My dad and Aunt Carol (his girlfriend… and my mom’s sister. Long story) came down on Saturday. Carol brought more pies, delicious home-baked pies. Mmmm… and then I drove back to Portland that afternoon. Quite the weekend!

I’m sure I’ve gained 10 pounds… all that eating and no exercise. But, hey, it’s the holidays, right?

I brought Gatorade and Cliff Bars

Ran today. Ran Friday night, too, just 5 easy miles, but since I forgot to blog about it when it was fresh in my mind, I’m going to gloss over it.

But, today, I planned on a long run, 8 miles. Even though it was sunny outside, it was still cold, so I headed for the gym. Wore my Asics. Music was Eminem’s “Encore” (thanks, Tracy, for burning that for me!) for the first half, then Gorillaz “Demon Days” for the last half. Since I expected the total time to be close to 90 minutes, I brought Gatorade and Cliff Bars with me.

I started out at a 10:20 pace, and kept that up for the first two miles, where I had to break for a drink. I pushed hard to finish the next two miles at a faster pace, but it was not to be. My total time, including my walking breaks, was 42:00 and I completed 4.08 miles, which averages to a 10:18 pace or so. Not bad.

After a short bathroom break, I set out to reach my goal. I thought I was going faster, until a 2:00 long walk break right around 2.5 miles. Still, I reached 4.0 miles in 41:27, which averages to a 10:21 pace, only slightly slower than my first half. I have to say I strongly considered stopping my second session at 3.92 miles, because I had only promised myself I would go 8 miles total… but that last .08 miles wasn’t that hard.

I still wish I could just keep going at a running gait the entire time, but I have to remember that I have only been doing these long runs for a few months. It will take me a while to get conditioned to running the entire distance. And I’m not competing with anyone but myself, so every time I do a little bit better, I win.

Oh, small note: I have a hangnail on my left big toe – painful, but it didn’t hurt my running.