A random Saturday post

Here I am, at the keyboard once again, hoping I can come up with 500 words on anything at all. It’s Saturday. I thought about writing a morning meditation this morning while sipping my coffee drink (I take 15 ounces of brewed basic coffee and add 2-2.5 ounces of half-and-half, 2-2.5 ounces of chai concentrate, and about 30 grams of chocolate syrup; I call it “coffee”) but immediately got mentally bogged down on this whole D&D city map that’s taking up my entire mental space but that I don’t really want to write about.

Today I did some laundry, ate a microwaved burrito and a bunch of snacks. Watched some YouTubers play The Long Dark. Went for a walk in the rain and kiiiiinda made my cough worse (dagnabit.) And now I’m watching Jenny Nicholson’s four-hour video about the unsuccessful Star Wars Hotel, which is amazing and I’m so glad Jenny is still releasing things on YouTube.

I’m in a holding pattern as far as work is concerned. No real new news there, not anything I want to share publically. Send work if you have some, please, I’m still looking and applying and waiting for someone, anyone, to respond.

Oh another thing I did today is related to the above: I shaved my head and beard. It’s more hopeful, though. If I interview I want to be clean and professional and ready. That didn’t take too much time, though.

Dad felt good enough to walk over to the bar, and he spent several hours there. He was probably happy to get out of the house after being so sick lately. I’m glad he went and happy to learn they’d missed him being around.

It got chilly and, as mentioned, even rained a bit today. I turned the heat back on, mostly for dad but also a bit for me. I’m still a little cold but maybe that’s me being sick? Can’t tell. Oh, I suppose I could take my temperature…

Jenny’s video is comprehensive and scathing. Even as much of a Star Wars fan as I am, I knew that that damned hotel was not something I would want to do, even if I could afford it, which I could not ever. And it looked like a sub-par experience.

Cough is lingering. Maybe this is allergies combined with a respiratory thing; pollen has been out of control lately. My car has been covered in a fine yellow dust for days. Kinda glad for the rain to wash some of that shit off, because there’s no way in the Nine Hells of Baator that I’m going to go to the effort to wash my car. Last time I ran it through a car wash it knocked some of the trim off. Super annoying.

So, yeah, after this next chapter of Jenny’s video (I’m up to part 10 of 20) I think I’m going to just get some water, tell dad goodnight, make sure the heat is set to a decent overnight level, and go to bed.

G’night, readers. Thank you for being here.