Organic Search Traffic

Other than my home page and my About Me page the most popular posts since I re-started the blog are this post about modding Fallout 3, a recent post about my best friend’s birthday, and a post about baseball that includes the phrase “Sugar Titts” (with two T’s at the end). What does this say about my blogging, or my audience? Fuck if I know.

The plug-in I use to track my stats is the underrated but great Koko Analytics, a lightweight but fully functional view and visitor counter that doesn’t sell the info it collects to anyone, as near as I can tell. But since I only installed it in April of this year, there’s, like, 20+ years of the life of this blog that aren’t tracked. And before April, I didn’t do a lot to try to make this blog friendly to the big analytics and SEO sites. I just did things my own way, posting whatever the Hell I wanted, and didn’t worry about keywords, or dead links, or catchy titles, or sticking to a niche. None of it.

But even with my terrible track record of marketing, Google has indexed my blog, because they index everything. So if I dig in to Google Search Console and Google Analytics, I can find what Google finds are the most clicked on posts on the domain bamoon dot com, a.k.a. Lunar Obverse, the home of the bright side of the Moon, me, Brian Moon. Brace yourself!

Now again, Google Analytics data only goes back a few months, because that’s when I started taking the visibility of my site seriously. According to Google, I’ve had 449 visitors, and of those, 7 of them are returning visitors. I don’t know who you are, you seven amazing people, but I love you. Thank you for coming back.

Of the around 500 people who visit here, the vast majority of them come here directly, not being referred by anything. This is to be expected. I don’t really know how to advertise this site or otherwise promote it. I do put links in my Instgram story sometimes, or post on Mastodon, but that’s about it. I don’t have an advertising strategy, thank all the gods, the dead and the new gods alike.

Here are some of the organic search terms that have led people to my posts:

“fallout 3 stewie tweaks” and “anniversary patcher fallout 3” which clearly lands them on my page about modding. I really half-assed that post. I should take another run at it, make it a real How To.

“Sundered pass map TLD” and “the long dark sundered pass” which is another game-related post about The Long Dark, one of my top 5 all time games. So that’s fun. Hey, a theme is emerging.

“ai shitpost” which is a topic I could probably write more about but which topic has pulled a couple of good rants out of me lately.

“appendictis symptoms” Look, I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one anywhere. Definitely don’t take medical advice from an untrained person with anxiety about their phyiscal health.

And lastly, coming in at number 8, “astroglide verge” which, wow, I have no idea. I just tried that search term in an incognito window and my blog is not anywhere in the first 7 pages of results. No shade for anyone who uses the product, but it’s not something I have ever used, written about, or even considered. I do hope you find what you’re looking for, it just ain’t here, sorry.