Iced Coffee Kick-In

Such weird dreams last night again. Must be the heat that’s making them so vivid. I’ve got a window-mounted air conditioner in my bedroom. It’s the good kind, which is the kind that hangs on the windowsill and has part of it outside; here, let Technology Connections explain it for you, they’re great at that and you should watch them.

Anyway, even with the AC running in my bedroom, it doesn’t get much cooler than 75°F in there. When I woke up this morning, it was 64°F outside, a full 10 degrees cooler. I’d complain, but when the heat of the day rolls around, I’m happy it isn’t 100 freaking degrees in my bedroom because that would be unlivably hot.

My dreams were centered around Star Wars tattoos (not mine), work, bad authoritarianism, the ignorance of crowds, and petty theft. Also friendship? Lots of weird themes in there. I’m not going to relate the events of the dreams because on waking, they don’t really flow together well. In the dreams, of course, since it’s all a stew of feelings and impressions, it felt like it was one continous story.

Even though the themes I mentioned feel heavy, for the most part I was not anxious, I was happy and felt connected to those closest to me in the dream. It only got scary and tense during the theft part, but since it felt like my own fault for tempting danger I couldn’t be too hard on myself. But up to that point I was the one who was righteous and I knew what I was doing. I was encouraging the community to be better, which is a personal goal in real life, too. Well, once I’ve built community, I mean. After I have a community, after I have connected with my neighbors, I will encourage them to be better as much as I can.

Now I’m sitting at my computer tapping on my keyboard trying to come up with something interesting to say for 500 words or so. I have some great stories from yesterday evening but I’m saving those for when I have more time to put into them. Don’t want to rush through those.

Because of the heat I have made cold brewed coffee instead of hot brewed coffee this morning. It’s a nice treat and the flavor turned out mild and rich. Waiting for the coffee to kick in. Any second now, coffee. I need your brain-rejuvenating power today. It’s not kicking in yet. I hope it’s just a bit slow today.

I’ve been trying to include pictures with as many of my posts as I can, either something I personally took or a good royalty-free stock photo. Can’t really tell if the posts with pictures do “better” in terms of page views than ones without. Even if there’s a difference, my page views are low enough that the difference would be single digits, and who can tell if that’s significant or random noise? Not I. I may favor the scientific method but I am no statistician.

Ah well, coffee-kick-in or not, time to go to work. Have a great day, readers. I treasure every one of you. Thank you for stopping by.