Another post about another day

Another day another dollar. Wait, I didn’t get a dollar today. I did perform a minor repair of my car, had a great job interview, got called back for a third job interview next week, and had dinner with the family at a fantastic, vegan, worker-owend cooperative Sri Lankan restaurant. But I did not earn a dollar.

I also thought and talked about D&D, hung out with my dad, talked to my bestie, and am now writing something completely random instead of the five or six other ideas I jotted down in my IDEAS file. But no dollar.

I drank not just one but two delicious pineapple ciders, a Mexican Coke, and a bunch of water. Made myself a chicken quesadilla, drank coffee for breakfast. No extra dollar to be found there.

I shaved, wore a white button-down collared shirt and black slacks at one point; t-shirt and jeans and trail shoes; workout clothes and running shoes; different t-shirt and cargo shorts; and a different t-shirt and sweat pants. Nobody paid me anything for those.

I’m thinking about going to bed early, because I got up a couple of hours before my normal wake-up time, and did a shorter walk than usual for my daily walk. Walked around the wrecking yard but somehow that did not count as exercise to my Watch, to which I have delegated the tracking of my exercise and physical activity, so I am now counting this time, sitting in front of my computer writing this post, as a “Mind & Body” exercise just to close my rings. None of this, alas, is worth being paid. It’s just maintenance of my physical form. No dollars for any of that.

I planned out, with my sister, getting my dad to and from some doctor’s appointments next week. Planned out what we’re doing for Father’s Day this weekend. Planned out a weekend-long game-playing vacation with my friends. Planned for the follow-up job interview next week. No extra dollars were given to me for any of those activities, though a few of them might lead to getting a salary. One lives in hope, of course, but the job market is tough these days.

I’m racking my brain right now to see if I recall anything else I did today. Y’know, for documentation purposes. I also racked my brain to answer a question about Azure AD DS, but came up empty. I didn’t have to rack my brain for the other five or six ideas I added to my IDEA file; those came to me naturally and in the normal course of thinking, and I immediately added them to the list so as not to forget them. No dollars, no quarters, no dimes, nickels or pennies. Nope.

I sang along to Harvey Danger songs. I used a digital map to help me navigate around the city. I used voice activation and my Watch to update my grocery list. I did not see any income from these activities.


Another day, no dollars.