I don’t have a topic in mind for this blog post. I’m just writing, and hoping that something will happen.
Is something happening yet? No?
There’s a bunch of stuff happening, but nothing I’m ready to share with the entire world (or the small subset that reads my blog) yet. Because those things aren’t just about me. They’re my friends’ events, and as much as I have thought about them, I can’t figure out a way to just talk about my own feelings and not reveal things about my friends that is not my business to reveal.
So there’s me. What have I been doing lately? Not a lot that doesn’t involve my friends. I’ve been running, every other day, like normal. I ran in the Race for the Roses 5K last Sunday, and did OK (My chip time was 0:28:57, for an average mile pace of 9:19), nowhere near a PR but better than my training runs lately. And it was a beautiful day for a run!
In fact, the weather the past few days has been a mood-brightener for sure. I feel like it’s been years since I’ve been warm. Even today, with a temperature of 54° F, feels better than the cold that seems like it’s been here forever.
I just want to be warm.
Luckily, for the most part, I have been happy with life lately. I have good friends, I have my health (except for these stupid allergies), and things are warming up.