Democratically-controlled House of Representatives, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
I like it. Got a nice ring to it. Say it with me:
Subpoena power.
There’s gotta be some urine-soaked tighty-whities in the White House tonight.
In other news, the bOregonian is calling Measures 39 (prohibiting public transfer of property to private hands) and 44 (expanding prescription drugs under the Oregon Health Plan) as passing – both of those got my vote, too. Everything else is failing, which is also how I voted.
Sadly, Connecticut (and the world) appears to be still stuck with Joe “Joe for Joe’s sake” Lieberman. Wanker. That’s my only major disappointment tonight, though.
In other news, I haven’t felt this good on Election Night since… since… um, ever. (In ’92, I voted for Perot – don’t be mad, I was a crazy Libertarian)