I’m a helper

Is it bad that one of the reasons I suggested the theater I did to see “Quantum of Solace” in, was that their DLP projection screens would give me the best possible picture and sound for the Star Trek reboot trailer?

I mean, the theater was also convenient for Tracy and Kevin, too. And with the Bond flick playing on multiple screens, it gave us plenty of showtimes to choose from, making it a very flexible choice.

(The Trek trailer looks awesome, by the way, even with all the continuity errors. Spotting the continuity errors is almost a game in itself.)

“Quantum of Solace” continues the tradition of Bond action. Literally had us all on the edge of our seats several times. And there’s an actual story in there, with lots of intrigue and double-crosses and triple-crosses. But it feels like the middle third of a trilogy. It really depended on the viewer having knowledge of the prior flick. Not a bad thing for me and Kevin, being Bond fans from way back, but Tracy said she enjoyed it for the action and didn’t worry too much about the story.

87.34% Snark-Free [B5 – 22 November 2006]

For the 30 days following this blog’s five-year anniversary, I am reposting some favorite, popular, or unique posts. Feel free to contact me to suggest some of your favorites. If you’d like to comment, click through to the original post.

This week I’m especially thankful for my friends. I was going to re-post the following on Thanksgiving Day, because that’s when I originally wrote it; but no. I’m going to re-post it now.

And I’m still thankful for everything on the list. And they’re all still in my life. Well, except for Smacky. I hope he’s chasing down his kill and feasting on the still-warm remains, out there, somewhere.


  • Thanks to my family for reminding me where I come from and for always feeling like “home”.
  • Thanks to my sister’s in-laws for never even noticing that there’s a distinction.
  • Thanks to my friends for being the most honest, straight-forward, and ethical people I know. Plus, you’re all hilarious. Have I mentioned that lately?
  • Thanks to my coworkers for always trying to just fix it.
  • Thanks to Smacky for being about as “cat” as anyone can be.
  • Thanks to Apple for making such sexy sexy hardware and software.
  • Thanks to my negative voice. Without you I wouldn’t have a challenge to overcome.
  • Thanks to the netroots for finally becoming a progressive, political force.
  • Thanks to everyone who voted Democratic in the last election. I was so scared that… shudder… well, let’s not think about that.
  • Thanks to redheaded women, everywhere. Just thanks. Damn. Yes, even the crazy ones. Especially them.
  • Thanks to Brooks running shoes for making the perfect shoes for my feet.
  • Thanks to the framers of the Oregon Constitution for all the free speech protections. I appreciate and use them almost every day.
  • Thanks to the New Atheists, like Daniel Dennett and Richard Dawkins and James Randi. It may take another 500 years but ours will be the majority view someday. Or we’ll be dead and unable to care.
  • Thanks to the Iron Horse, Maya’s Tacqueria, Backspace, Twin Paradox, the Limelight, the Acropolis. It’s not just the food that keeps me coming back, although that’s excellent, too.
  • Thanks to all my favorite living authors, too many to mention, but here’s a few: Tim Powers, Bruce Sterling, Carl Hiaasen, Arthur Nersesian, Neil Gaiman… the list goes on and on and deserves it’s own post, if not it’s own site (but www.bookslut.com is already taken). You inspire me, amaze me, and fill me with envy and I would read every word you write. Fuck that – I would pay for every word you write.
  • Thanks to God, for not existing or showing any evidence of ever having existed, in spite of everyone looking for You. You’ve got everyone fooled, and boy, is everyone going to feel silly when they realize You’re not there. Then we’ll all have a good laugh and finally get around to that whole “world peace and love” thing people have been promising for centuries.
  • Last, but not least, thanks to each and every one of you who reads this, or anything else I’ve ever written. I do it for myself because I’m a selfish bastard, and I’m still amazed that anyone else even understands it, let alone enjoys it and wants more. I wouldn’t stop even if I could.

…I’m sure I’m missing people. I’m sure there are people out there who would prefer a specific mention rather than being included in a broad category. I’m sure that I will think of much much better/funnier things to say immediately after clicking “Publish Post”.

But I’m also sure that you’ll understand. Happy Thanksgiving.

Medical lapdance?

I’m filling out my medical insurance enrollment forms. Ugh. Comparing all the options, and deciding what kind of coverage I’ll need in the coming year, is making my head swim. But, at least until President Obama can enact some kind of health care reform, it’s probably to my benefit to pay attention to all this. Y’know, be prepared.

The “Plus PPO” plan is an extra $36.80 a month and it covers “Alternative Care”:

50% up to $450 – special plan year. You may use any licensed chiropractor, naturopath, or massage therapist

Now, chiropractic or naturopathic “medicine” is pseudoscience. I would no sooner give money to receive that kind of treatment than I would give to a church.

But… “massage therapist”?

Wait a minute. Let me think about this. What kind of “license”? How closely do they check these things?

Would, say, a lapdance from Stormy count as “therapy”?

I wonder if she’d be offended if I asked for a receipt next time I was at Devil’s Point…


Turns out I was reading last year’s forms. I haven’t found this year’s forms yet. So the cost and benefits may be different. But I’m still considering asking Stormy for a receipt. I may have found a loophole that will allow me to subsidize my hobby… 9:11 AM – bam

Aw, Hell No! Part Two

Also via Pajiba comes word that they’re making a Sam Kinison biopic.

Just… No. Please, no. Let my fondest memories of him remain unsullied.

The man died on a road trip to Vegas, with wife #6 or some shit. The man was an inspiration to me. Angry is always funny, but with Sam, you laughed because he kinda scared you a little bit. Intense was not a strong enough word.

Please, Hollywood, there was only one Sam.

Aw, Hell No!

There’s a “bug” that affects some people when using Firefox: sometimes, videos will load, but not play past the first few seconds. It’s quite annoying.

It’s annoying to me, anyway, because it happens to my friends all the time, but it doesn’t happen to me. So I have to hear them complain about the video links I send them all the time.

I assumed it was because I have the latest, greatest beta version of Firefox and they don’t. Or I was gifted and lucky. I don’t know. Somethin’.

But today, I was over at the best snarky movie review site in the world, and I wanted to watch this trailer (it’s a “red band” trailer and NSFW):
… and I finally was bit by this bug. It wouldn’t play. I had to restart Firefox and do some fucking troubleshooting, which really annoys me, too.

Tracy has no sympathy for me. But, man. What a pain in the ass.

I can’t live like this. What’s the internet without YouTube What if it happens again?

Creative Week Movie Inspiration [B5 – 27 February 2006]

For the 30 days following this blog’s five-year anniversary, I am reposting some favorite, popular, or unique posts. Feel free to contact me to suggest some of your favorites. If you’d like to comment, click through to the original post.

By February 2006, I was stuck in a rut as far as blog posts went. I was mainly blogging about my running and diet. Big whoop. I mean, it was important for me to keep track of my exercise, and keeping a journal, online or whatever, was part of the process that kept me going and kept me honest. But it wasn’t exactly electrifying reading.

And then, one rainy night, walking in my neighborhood, I ran across something new, and it sparked a little experiment that I called “Creative Week”.

But first, I blogged the inspiration. Enjoy!

Last night, after being out all day, I got home to discover that Smacky was out of food. He was visibly agitated about it. I decided to walk up to the grocery store to replenish his supply.

It was raining a little bit, but I didn’t mind. Was bundled up warm.

When I got to SE Milwaukie and Bybee, there were trailers parked all down Milwaukie Ave., and tents and people with walkie-talkies and headsets. As I got closer, I saw little “No Parking” signs that indicated the reason for all this activity.

They were filming… something.

Since I had to go past it all to get to the store, I poked around. For a moment I thought they were filming in the Moreland Theater. But when I looked in the Limelight Restaurant next door, I saw a whole crowd of people, in chairs and standing up, all staring at a bunch of monitors, and at the bar next door was a yellow sign saying “Bar Closed – just for today”. Looks like the bar was the set.

The parking lot of the Wells Fargo bank next door was packed with more trailers and tents, and one tent was marked “Extras”. In the street was a little sign:

Sorry for the blurry pic. Camera phone.

I walked on up to my grocery store, bought a bag of cat food (almost NINE BUCKS for a 5 lb. bag! That seems expensive, but then, I guess that bag will last me a couple of months. I wish I could eat for that cheap. Except delicious food, not cat food). I asked the checker if she knew what was going on down the street. She shrugged. “I don’t know… I heard, it was just a rumor, but I heard that Rebecca De Mornay was involved somehow.”

“Really? That’s cool!” I said.

She shrugged again. “It’s just a rumor.”

On my way out, I saw another grocery girl. “Do you know what movie is being filmed down there?”

Fumbling with a cigarrette, she shrugged. “I heard…” – she looked around as if someone might be listening in – “The Rock.”

“The rock?”

“You know…” she said. “The Rock?” She was a tiny girl, shorter than me, but she indicated a giant of a man with her hands, smoke trailing from her now-lit cigarrette.

“Right. The wrestler. I gotcha.” I headed back into the rain.

As I neared the bar set again, I spotted a guy hauling a box of stuff towards the base camp. “Hey,” I stopped him, “What’s going on?”

“It’s a movie” he said, with a smile.

“Right. I kinda got that,” I said. He was walking away. The box didn’t look heavy but it did look bulky. “What’s the movie?”

He turned around part way and spoke over his shoulder. “It’s called ‘The Music Within’. Go take a look. The set is just down there. It’s kinda cool.” He pointed down the street with his chin.

‘Kinda cool’? He didn’t sound like he worked with them… sounded like a fellow sightseer like me.

I looked around again, and made eye contact with the folks guarding the doors at the Limelight. I got nods of recognition in return, and smiles, but couldn’t bring myself to talk to them again. They seemed so… busy.

After I passed all the activity, I called Tracy. After filling her in on the movie being filmed in my neighborhood, I asked her to look it up on IMDB to see who might be in it.

She found it listed, but didn’t recognize the one star listed. A bit more googling but she couldn’t find much more info on it.

But, you know… I had a cat to feed.

But we didn’t vote for him

Checking out the President-elect’s blog, today I see a post about Obama meeting with Sen. McCain to discuss ideas for approaching and solving some of our nation’s many troubles.

The blog post quotes, among others, one Tamara, of Springfield, Oregon – perhaps it’s the fact that she’s from my home state that made her quote catch my eye:

“If you truly want to gain the support and respect of those who did not vote for you, you could ‘reach across the aisle’ so to speak and begin with incorporating some of the ideas from the Republicans.”

Wait a minute.

Didn’t we, as a people, just spend 18 months rejecting the ideas of the Republicans? Didn’t Republicans, by and large, lose and lose big up and down the ticket? Local races, state races, national races… a whole lotta lose for anyone with an “R” after their name. Even the ones who tried to hide their party affiliation, like former Senator Gordon Smith, whose TV ads pictured him with Democrat Ron Wyden, or Democrat Barack Obama. Or Dino Rossi, whose only mention of his Republican-ness in the ad I saw consisted of white letters on a white background saying that he was “GOP”.

And yet, the voters could instantly tell that the Republicans were, in fact, Republicans because of the obvious signs: they hated the gays and the brown-skinned people, and accused their opponents of harboring treason in their hearts, and associated with terrorists.

Which of these “ideas” of Sen. McCain, you know, the ideas that cost him the election, is President-elect Obama supposed to incorporate into his platform, exactly? Is Tamara suggesting that Mr. Obama now appoint an intellectually incurious, uneducated, vindictive nobody to his Cabinet? Is Mr. Obama supposed to now actually associate with someone who pursued violent means forty years ago, who was never convicted of any crimes, and who has reformed themselves and become an influential member of society? Or is Mr. Obama supposed to drop everything in a media stunt, and rush off to get involved in issues that will not benefit from his actions, only to have his own party reject his help and vote against his ideas?

This is not change we can believe in.

Elections have consequences. And the vast majority of us (certainly a larger percentage than trusted Bush over Gore in 2000, and a larger percentage than trusted Bush over Kerry in 2004) trust Mr. Obama to get things done.

If we’d wanted Sen. McCain’s ideas, we would have voted for him.

Accidentally Eating [B5 – 9 February 2006]

For the 30 days following this blog’s five-year anniversary, I am reposting some favorite, popular, or unique posts. Feel free to contact me to suggest some of your favorites. If you’d like to comment, click through to the original post.

With my struggle to control my eating habits, there’s a phrase I use often that tries to encapsulate the helplessness I feel, but which really just serves to deflect any sense of agency I should feel.

That phrase is “accidentally ate”. As in, “I accidentally ate an eggnog milkshake and it was delicious.”

Here’s the (short, but sweet (like chocolate cake)) post where I first used that phrase publicly.

Suddenly there appeared left-over cake in the break room this afternoon. German chocolate cake, and a lemon cake. Several of us were in there accidentally eating some.

One lady commented, “Well, we don’t want this to go to waste, do we?”

I replied, “Right. Eat up! There’s people starving in Gitmo, after all!”

Soup Rant [B5 – 24 March 2005]

For the 30 days following this blog’s five-year anniversary, I am reposting some favorite, popular, or unique posts. Feel free to contact me to suggest some of your favorites. If you’d like to comment, click through to the original post.

Anger is funny. At least that’s what my friends tell me. So when I go off on a rant, about something as simple as trying to find a bowl of soup, it produces something that makes my friends laugh, even as I’m seething in thwarted anger.

Which, now that I think about it, makes me laugh, too. Eventually. Everybody wins!

I’ve spent the past half-week fighting off that stupid cold virus that’s been beating up my co-workers and friends (“that’s a pretty big virus”) and it’s taking its toll.

My days have consisted of work and sleep, with intermittent periods of eating and the occassional email exchange with friends. Lots and lots of sleeping. In fact, I’ve spent more time asleep since Sunday than I have at work. No, I’m not sleeping at work, although a couple of floors down in the building where I work is a little room with a cot and an alarm clock that’s expressly there for the purpose of taking a quick nap at work if necessary (I love the county sometimes).

I haven’t been running, either, because running lowers the immune system or something and I want to fight this crappy giant cold virus (I picture it being much like a red-orange-yellow beach ball, with spikes) so I can get back to running and breathing and enjoying things like coherent thought and not blowing my nose and such.

The world takes advantage of my confused, doped-up-on-over-the-counter-medication state by dangling things that might relieve this misery a tiny bit and then sliming it in gelatinous oozing confusion. I wanted some soup for lunch. Soup. Simple hot liquid with something tasty in it. Kinda hard to find downtown, but I walked past this sandwich place I’ve been meaning to try and, sure enough, on a little sandwich (ha-ha) board out on the sidewalk they list their “specials”:

Grilled: Roast Beef, cheddar, roasted red pepper, red onions, blah, blah, I’m losing focus here… Soup: Black Bean

Coolio! Soup and a sandwich. I walk in. To my doom.

I see that they have two“soup and sandwich” items on the menu: both of them have a 12 oz. soup, but one is a “half” and one is a “whole”. Obvious first question: How big is a half? I ask the counter girl that, and she pauses.

“Uh… well” she hems and haws, making vague size motions with her hands “it’s, uh, half of a whole sandwich…”

A bespectacled boy with a blonde soul patch pokes his head out from behind an oak wall, holding a loaf of bread in his hands, muttering something that may have seemed, to him and the counter girl, to be an answer to my question. Already confused, I decide to order a “whole” and hope I don’t get a “whole” loaf of bread. I guess I could save it for dinner. They’d better not charge me more than the menu’s stated price of $8.25, though.

“OK, I’ll take your roast beef and black bean special.” I state this as decisively as the phlegm in my throat allows.

Again, counter girl looks lost. “Um… well, you’ll have to” she hands me a little clipboard with a chart full of options on it “fill this out.”

“I can’t just order the special?”

“You can customize it however you want.” She replies. I step aside to study my options, getting a bit frustrated.

Roast Beef wasn’t even an option on the menu. A sign hanging over the register explains that if I want Roast Beef or Pastrami that I’ll have to write it in, and apologizes for the menus being confusing. Yay. Some validation. Yes, yes, I am confused.

I manage to fill out their devilish form with only a couple of mistakes. I accidentally checked an option that made the counter girl think I wanted the “Kid’s brown bag” special, when instead I wanted the “whole sandwich and soup” special. I also marked “Orange” on one part and “apple” on another for my choice of fruit, but I did that on purpose to highlight how confusing the menu was. Either I was too subtle or not subtle enough because it went right over countergirl’s head.

I probably won’t go back, even though the soup was pretty good. The sandwich was average and the oatmeal-chocolate-chip cookie was kinda thin. And, no, I didn’t get a whole loaf sandwich, either, so the value… not so good.

I just wanted some soup, dammit.

“Synedoche, New York”

I’ve been waiting months to see “Synecdoche, New York”. OK, two months since I saw the trailer. That’s still multiple months.

I remember how I felt when I saw “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” (and maybe you do, too) – that love was painful and clumsy and impossible and hopeful.

“Synecdoche, New York” makes me feel almost the same way, only about life, and living.

All us poor dumb blind people… What the fuck are we trying to pull? Who are we trying to kid?

We wait for someone to notice us, and we flinch when we’re forced to notice others. We hide from everyone else, or we glitz ourselves up because we’re afraid to blend in.

I cried throughout the movie. I cried when just walking around on the sunny cold streets of my hometown afterward. Boys in their twenties jumping up to try to touch the ceiling in the glass tunnel over SW Fourth. Fashion mom and her flashy daughter, each clutching their logo-emblazoned shopping bags full of stuff. Chubby woman in dirty clothes, balled up on the sidewalk begging for coins. Old men in golf shirts and slacks harrumphing at the traffic.

All y’all… all y’all are the same person, if Kaufman’s movie is to be believed. And Kaufman writes, and Philip Seymour Hoffman tells it without varnish, and it feels honest like a knife in your chest.

You can look elsewhere for a synopsis of the movie. I need to see it many more times.

If art is whatever makes you feel something, then this movie is art to me.