I like drawring

I bought a new sketch pad over the weekend.

I felt like being creative with pictures instead of words.

I think I was inspired by organizing all my pictures in iPhoto.

By the way, the tagging feature of iPhoto 7 (part of iLife ’08) rocks. At first I didn’t think it rocked because I was doing it wrong. But after I figured it out, it does, indeed, rock.

That is all.

Flickr is teh new hotness

After worrying about how to get a picture gallery on my server, and not getting it figured out, I decided to just use the web tools that are already out there. From now on I’ll be posting my pictures on my Flickr page. If you’re obsessively following my every internet posting, you can even get an RSS feed of my pictures so you’ll know whenever I post one or more. There’s, like, features ‘n’ stuff.

On my end I’m importing all my pictures into iPhoto and I have a plug-in that lets me upload right from within the program: FFXporter. It’s free and open-source.

When I get a chance I’ll fix my menu bar to point to my Flickr page, and then I’ll start posting Pictures of the Week again like I used to. Stay tuned for pictures ‘n’ stuff.

The bad part is that when I was importing pictures today I had tons and tons of Smacky, my cat who ran away. Sad. I hope he’s still OK, out there pouncing on delicious birds.


Saw “Jumper” today. I was in the mood for a goofy action flick, and this one fit the bill.

Hayden Christensen totally reminded me of my youngest nephew. Especially when he does that furrowed-brow angry glare of his. But not when he’s teleporting from place to place. I don’t think my nephew can do that; he just drives now that he’s got his license.

I don’t get why movies aimed at “young adults” have to have such dickhead parents. Oh, wait… yeah, I remember being a teenager. Of course it makes sense. Nevermind.


I ran tonight along the river and past the wetlands. The frogs were croaking and ribbiting loudly. Almost deafening.

If that’s not a sign of spring, I don’t know what is.


What? There’s a holiday today?

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity

I’m 5 years old, maybe younger, definitely preschool. I’m wearing my hooded blue cordoroy coat, zipped in snug, wearing ice skates and standing on the edge of the rink.

Near the railing.

In fact, I’m hanging on to the railing for dear life, watching the other kids skate and laugh and fall down and get back up again.

I look at my hands, knuckles white, death grip on the rail.

Every time I move my feet, I feel the blade cutting into the ice and slip. Each foot seems to want to go in different directions. But if I hang on to the rail, hard, as hard as I’ve ever gripped anything in my entire life… my feet can’t go far.

One finger starts to loosen… knuckles slowly turn flesh-colored again… One finger slowly moves itself away from the others, twitching from the release of tension, but ready in an instant to resume clutching the rail.

I slip. I grip harder.

The sounds of yelling and happy voices are muffled by the thick warm material of the coat, somewhere behind me. Out on the rink. The volume of their joyful noise rises and falls as they circle the rink.

The cold slowly penetrates my protective coat.

I manage to let go, briefly, nanoseconds’ worth, my palm separated by bare milimeters of air.

True story. For several certain values of True.

Nearly two centuries

Happy 199th birthday to Charles Darwin!

It doesn’t look likely that humans will grow up enough to fully accept the revolution you started this year. Next year doesn’t look good, either.

Maybe by your 300th birthday.

What a weekend…

I spent so much money, drank almost as much as I drink while on vacation, flirted and cuddled on the couch with chicks I just met, enjoyed live music, ran 5 miles, ate delicious food in good company, spent time with friends, pampered a sick friend, drove fast and hard in a car I didn’t own…

And trust me, it sounds much better condensed into a sentence like that.

Although many parts of the weekend I will cherish forever.

Guess it’s time for Monday. Ugh.