Updated Trophy Page

I updated my Trophy Page with my results from the Run Hit Wonder 10K.

I’m glad I finished and vow to do better in my next 10K. I trained so hard to try to increase my speed, and try to get around (or under) a 9:00 pace for the whole 6.2 miles, but it didn’t happen. It’s OK — it’s good to have goals.

I haven’t posted a running schedule this week because I’m taking it easy. Still trying to figure out what my next event will be. There’s a “trail” run on the beach in Tillamook Oregon that looks fun; a 5K and a 10K (the 5K trail is out to the end of the penninsula and back; for the 10K you just go out and back twice!). That’s at the end of August, and it’s an excuse to go to the beach…

Everything’s better at the beach…

Absurdly interesting

Oh, man, it’s all catching up with me this week. Yeah, I have IntarWeb again at home. Get this: the Comcast guy decided that the problem was my wireless access point, because it was sitting right next to my unshielded cable modem. This proclamation was issued within seconds of entering my computer room, which pissed me off (OK, I’d had a couple of beers at that point, celebrating my race and waiting for the fucking cable guy) because shouldn’t he be doing some fucking testing or something first? I mean, if you’re going to decide what the problem is before you do your testing, then is it a surprise when you determine that what you previously decided is the problem, turns out to actually be the problem?

Doesn’t anyone realize this? Diagnose, then decide. If you’re going to do it the other way around, then why bother with the diagnosis? I mean, you might as well be practicing astrology or bending spoons or talking to the dead at that point. Fucking psuedoscience. Arrrgh.

None of this rant is diminished in intensity or duration even one jot or tittle by the fact that the cable guy was right, dammit. See, I’ve got a commercial-grade 802.11b wireless access point, putting out 200mW of InterWeb lovin’, plus I have a +5.5dbi gain antenna on it, so, yeah, it’s remotely possible that it could be interfering with the crappy little RCA cable modem I have. I moved it to the other side of the room and it still causes interference. Hell, it should, I get full signal when I’m with my laptop outside in the back of my apartment… I’m probably putting out enough signal to force an evolutionary change in the rats living in the abandoned garage next door. Say, maybe they’ll worship me as their god..? Whoa. I had a Stephen-King-esque moment there.

Anyway, hopefully I’ll be updating more often now, because I won’t have to sneak out in the middle of the night and steal someone else’s wireless InterWeb to post or check my email. I’ll have it all at home, 24/7, whenever I want.

And, boy, do I have a lot to post… Life, as they say (OK, I say), is absurdly interesting right now.

Nike Run Hit Wonder 10K

So, what was I busy doing?

How can you ask that? I ran the Nike Run Hit Wonder 10K today! You never pay attention, do you? I’ve only been talking about this for freakin’ weeks now!

I think I did pretty good. (Yeah, I’m calmed down now. Don’t know what got into me. (Was it funny for you? It was for me!))

Funniest thing was spotting someone in the crowd I knew. I mean, it wasn’t like we were looking for each other. There were over 10,000 people there. Probably way more, since there were 10,000 runners plus all the support staff and security guards and friends and families… so the odds of spotting someone at any particular instant started at 1 in 10,000. OK, probably less than that; human faces are instantly recognizable and the brain is very good at pattern-matching, and even in a dense crowd there’s probably 10-20 people in someone’s direct view. But, what would you calculate the odds of spotting someone in the crowd, immediately after another friend asked me if that person was racing that day? Huh? Huh? That’s one of those weird coincidences that just jump out at you.

Me, being a materialist and not a believer in coincidences that mean something, I just shrug it off. But man it freaks people out when I tell them.

Jake (turning to face me in the crowd): Is Deb here?
Me (knowing that she was planning on running this race): Yeah. (pause) And there she is!

My chip time was over 2 minutes less than my gun time; that’s how long it took me to cross the actual start line after the race officially started. Wow, there was a lot of people. I wore a stopwatch, and started it when I crossed the start line, and paid attention to my splits for each mile, carefully judging my pace and all that… kept up with it, until mile 5 (around 48 minutes at that point)… then died on the last long hill up Columbia away from the river, and when I turned onto Broadway, it was sweet and all downhill, and I was flying, and I had a clear shot at the finish line, didn’t have to worry about blocking anyone else or having to slow down, and then I was through, and I’d finished my first ever official 10K race!

I was so excited I forgot to a) check the race clock for my time, and b) stop my stopwatch. Bummer. I’ll have to wait for the official results to be posted.

It was a fun race, though. My friend, being much faster than me, got to hear each of the acts playing their actual one hit. Apparently they started their sets with their most famous song. Me, lagging behind, got to hear them play, but didn’t recognize the songs.

For instance, who is General Public? What was their hit song? I’ll google it after posting this, but, for the life of me, I can’t recall.

Seeing Devo was great, and I was a little disappointed that the audience started leaving after they played “Whip It!” The younger friends in my group were impressed that I knew the words to some of Devo’s other songs, like “Freedom of Choice”. OK, just that one, but still.

I’m going to run that race every year. A fun, fun, race. Nike put on a great event (no surprises there) and the proceeds benefited Portland Parks and Recreation. Nifty!

Picture Gallery still broken

OK, OK, I know, I know, I know, OK? The picture gallery is still broken. I know I said I’d replace it if it had gone a week and I still hadn’t figured out what was wrong, but dammit, I was busy this weekend. So get off my back!