This is so wrong.

Besides the fact that “Catwoman” is going to be teh suck, here’s another reason not to see it:

Halle Berry’s stunt double in the movie? A man.

So, basically, by releasing that little tidbit of information, they’ve removed even the guilty pleasure of watching Ms. Berry’s derrierre. All over the country, men and boys past puberty will be wondering, “Is that a man’s ass I’m staring at?”

Why? Why did they have to ruin it for me?

Warner Brothers have now essentially reduced their target market for this movie to be bisexual comic-book geeks. Yes, all 10 of them.

New iPods!

Sweet cracker sandwich!

I already used “HFLoK” this week

Apple announced the new, fourth-generation iPod!

…unfortunately, most of the features aren’t really compelling enough for me to upgrade just yet. Sure, 12-hour battery life. Sure, nifty click-wheel like the MiniPod. Sure, multiple On-The-Go playlists and better UI features. Sure, the 40 GB model is $100 cheaper than what I paid for my 3G 40 GB model. Sure, it’s thinner (oooook, that’s cool).

ButButBut… it’s just not cool enough. Me pout.

Now, if they had announced a 60 GB model today… then I would have been first in line to upgrade.

Curse you Steve Jobs!

Technical difficulties

OK, sorry, my picture gallery is broken.

You can view the images at their original size. Just select “original size” from the drop-down menu. Sorry for the inconvenience, I’m working on getting it fixed.

I beat the Burnside!

Wow! I beat the Burnside!

Caleb, Becky and I left the Forestry Center at 8:00 AM sharp. The course was beautiful, and you couldn’t have asked for a nicer morning for a run. Becky quickly left Caleb and I in the dust. I got the feeling that Caleb could have gone faster but kept pace with me.

The first couple of hundred meters or so were uphill, and there was at least one surprise uphill near Council Crest Park, but for the most part it was downhill, in places very steeply downhill. A fun, fast course, although, once again, I tried to maintain a steady even pace.

As Caleb and I approached the bridge, because of the angle, it looked like it was already up! I hadn’t remembered that the bridge itself curves up and over the river. About halfway up the slope, I saw people waving flags and thought that was the finish line, and started running faster; I always try to sprint to the finish (or at least lumber along faster)! But when I crested the hill, I saw that the actual finish line was down further, another couple hundred meters. Argh! Trickery! Of course, in hindsight, it makes sense; since the bridge is being raised at 9 AM sharp, you don’t want people standing around on the part that goes up.

The race isn’t professionally timed (not sanctioned by the USAT&F) so I don’t know what my official time was. I’m not sure if I’m going to post the results on my Trophy Page or not. But I saw the clock as I finished and it read almost exactly 8:46 AM, which would make this my first 8K and my fastest 8K ever! That translates into a 9:15 pace! Whoo-HOO!

Caleb crossed the finish line just seconds ahead of me (he saw me running faster and his competitiveness kicked in!) and Becky finished in about 42 minutes! Go, Team Saponified!

Pictures are up in my Flickr gallery.

Me vs. Qwest: Final Victory Is Mine

Holy friggin’ list of Kens!

It looks like it does, in fact, pay to complain. You might recall from my previous posts that I had some difficulty dealing with Qwest. Cue up a recap: I had Qwest for both landline and cell phone, I was moving, and contacted Qwest to disconnect my landline and port that phone number to my cell phone. Seems simple enough, right? But Qwest insists that it’s a very complicated procedure… and my battles with an endless series of phone droids showed me just how seriously Qwest takes that point of view.

It can’t be that hard, because if I walk up to a kiosk in any shopping mall in the US, and order a phone, I walk away from that kiosk with a working cell phone. What did the minimum-wage kiosk-dweller do? Why, they check a credit history, and then assign a phone number from a pool of available numbers to a specific phone. There is not an iota of difference, from a purely technical standpoint, from what I asked Qwest to do. Move a phone number that I had in my own name to a phone that I had in my name.

I won’t re-hash the whole fight, but after dealing with at least 10 different people, and having a time frame further and further in the future quoted to me as to when the port would take place, and going weeks without phone service at all, I complained. I filed formal complaints with the State of Oregon Department of Justice Consumer Fraud Division, the State of Oregon Public Utility Commission, and the Better Business Bureau in Denver (which covers the nest of thieves that infests Denver, a.k.a. Qwest HQ). After the Oregon PUC informed me that they didn’t address porting issues, I filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission, which does.

At the time I also informed the most recent Qwest phone monkey that I would require any further promises they made to me to be in writing, as I could no longer trust them to tell me the truth. I told them that if I did not hear from them, in writing, within 48 hours that I would consider Qwest to have terminated their business relationship with me. I didn’t hear from them in my specified timeframe, and dropped off at a T-Mobile kiosk to get a new cell phone. Within 10 minutes of stepping up, I had a working cell phone again! Joy!

A couple of weeks ago I received a letter from the Oregon AG’s office telling me that they had contacted Qwest and to expect a formal response from them. A week after that, I got a series of voice mails from yet another Qwest employee asking for more information (they were calling me on my work phone). I didn’t return the calls. Last Friday I picked up my ringing work phone to find yet another Qwest employee on the other end of the call. Nearly unable to contain my anger, I informed her that I had another phone number, that since I hadn’t heard back from Qwest I considered our business relationship to be over, and that they could do what they wanted but I figured they applied the credit that one of their previous monkeys had offerred me to my bill and zeroed it out.

Well, I received a letter from the Oregon AG’s office, signed by a Ms. Papke, Enforcement Officer, saying that they had heard from Qwest and considered the matter closed. A copy of Qwest’s response was included, signed by Suzzy Reeves, Executive Regulatory Escalations Analyst for Qwest, saying that my accounts have been “adjusted to a zero balance… Mr. Moon will not owe Qwest any money on the accounts involved in the port.”

Sweet, sweet vindication. I am victorious!

Broken training

OK, broke my training again today. Should have done 6 miles, per the Runner’s World 10K Training Plan for Beginners, but, dammit, I only did 4 miles. I’m worried about totally killing myself in the Beat the Burnside tomorrow morning, even though I keep reassuring myself that “I’m only using the BtB as a training run”.

Yeah. It’s not sinking in. The course tomorrow has 650 feet of elevation drop in 5 miles! It’s going to be tougher than the Mt. Tabor Challenge!

Anyway, the 4 miles were a bit tough, probably because of the 4 miles I did yesterday in Tryon Creek State Park (see previous post). I’m pushing myself… but am I near the limit? Or over the limit? Or do I have lots of room left before I hit the limit?

Time will tell.

In which Brian is introduced to used import CD shopping


My friend Caleb lives near the big Everyday Music on Sandy, which is a used music store. It’s to used music what Powell’s City of Books is to, well, books. I went there last night with my friend.

One of my favorite bands is Radiohead, and I own all of their major releases. A while ago I found an EP of theirs at the Everyday Music on Burnside, so I tend to check the Radiohead bin even though the odds of finding anything I don’t already have is pretty slim.

But the odds were on my side last night. When I checked the bin, there was an EP I’d never seen before: “My Iron Lung”, apparently released around 1994, with eight tracks, six of which I’d never heard of, and one a version I’d never heard!

  1. my iron lung
  2. the trickster
  3. lewis (mistreated)
  4. punchdrunk lovesick singalong
  5. permanent daylight
  6. lozenge of love
  7. you never wash up after yourself
  8. creep (acoustic)

That’s a lot of new Radiohead songs! So this morning I’m doing some research on it. I figure it’s an import or something. Well, Follow Me Around (a fansite) shows this EP, with this track listing, as an Australian import. Cool! But then At Ease shows it as a Dutch import… interesting. The CD I have shows that it’s printed in Holland, so I guess I have the Dutch import. The label is Parlophone, which comes up in Google as a UK label, part of EMI. Then I checked All Music Guide and saw that they described this EP:

…as close to a forgotten, long-lost Radiohead album as you can get. Although marketed and priced as an EP, it contains eight tracks, seven of which are unavailable anywhere else, and is half an hour long (which more than meets the criteria for a full-length). But besides its length, what makes My Iron Lung such a find is the quality of the tracks, all of them being great outtakes from the sessions for their classic 1995 full-length release The Bends.

Joy! After I’ve listened to it a million times I’ll post my own review, but I can tell you that a) I’m already a fan of Radiohead and predisposed to like their sound, and b) Since these are outtakes from “The Bends” and that was my first favorite Radiohead CD I’m even more predisposed to like these (yes, I’ve learned to like “Kid A” and “Amnesiac” and the others, too, but “The Bends” was my first favorite). What? Why haven’t I listened to it yet already? Because I’m moving my MP3 collection to a server and therefore iTunes is busy, so I haven’t ripped it to my iPod yet. And my actual CD player, out in the living room, isn’t hooked up (a product of my recent move).

I ran my 4 miles last night

I ran my 4 miles last night. But I didn’t do the 3 “gentle pickups”. Why? Because I ran with friends, and instead of wanting to run somewhere nice and flat where I could do my training stuff, they wanted to run in Tryon Creek State Park.

Sure it’s beautiful up there, and since it was so hot yesterday it was nice to run in the shade and on the trails, and sure the hills give me a good overall workout… but I did only part of what my training plan was and that mildly frustrates me.

I’m supposed to run 6 miles today but, hoo-boy I am achy all over and don’t know why. Shoulders, arms, back, legs… ears are stuffed up, too. Maybe I’m coming down with a cold? Aw, man. Summer colds are the worst! I hope I’m not, I hope I’m not, I hope I’m not…