Only good things

Having trouble thinking of something to write tonight. Had an eventful day but most of it was negative or stressful and I’m not sure I want to share it all here. It did get half-way sorted out eventually, which is good, but it took a lot out of me.

Let’s see what good things happened. Bioware dropped the gameplay trailer for the next Dragon Age game and I could not be more excited. Varric is older and still a badass with empathy. The actual combat reminds me of the fast-paced action of Dragon Age 2 or Andromeda, which is a plus for me. Rogues can switch between melee and bow in combat again! As a dedicated rogue player I love that so much.

Talked to a friend about it and they said that it didn’t feel like Dragon Age to them, which I’ve heard others say. Their take on it is that to them, Dragon Age is serious and dark, and seeing Varric make quips and take a drink in the middle of a tense situation involving his old friend Solas. I could see their point… but I disagree. Yes, dark horrible things happen in Dragon Age games, but the characters are often cracking wise or sarcastic with each other in the midst of it all.

Like I said to my friend, Purple Hawke has entered the chat.

We do agree however that of course we will be playing it, of course we are. New Dragon Age game! And coming this Fall, which is sooner than I would have expected.

Hmmm. Other good things. Hung out with dad; he’s housesitting a very grumpy old cat this week, so I drove him over there. And got to info-dump about D&D with my nephew for almost an hour. We love sharing stories of our separate games with each other, although I’m always afraid I do more of the talking than the listening. My nephew is very kind to listen to my ramblings, though.

Our next game is tomorrow night. I have a city map that I’ve been working on and it’s enormous and detailed and almost entirely unnecessary for play but I’m having a blast. And I have another map I’ve been working on the past couple of days for a potential encounter. No spoilers in case my players read this but I’ve learned a lot of new tricks making this map. Have I talked about Inkarnate before? It’s so good. And they’ve added new Room and Path tools that make it so easy to outline a building or a wall or a fence or stairs. Just such a delight to use.

Because the emergency took up time I was supposed to use grocery shopping, I ordered pad Thai chicken tonight for dinner, which is an absolute favorite of mine. And I watched the next episode of The Acolyte, which explained some backstory that other shows might have held back or fed us in drips over the season. I’m glad they gave this to us in episode 3; it feels like they’re going to deal with the fallout of that backstory now. An old rule of improv is skip to the interesting part, and the writers of The Acolyte are following that advice. Good stuff!

See? I did have 500ish words of positive things in me tonight. Thanks for reading! Tomorrow is another job interview, bright and early. Something’s gotta happen soon!

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