My Week in Freelance Writing

Inspired by Nicole Dieker’s weekly reports.

For the week ending 4/1/2016:

  • Articles:
  • Total words: 1,496
  • Total hours (research/writing): 3.5
  • Dollars earned: $20.94
  • Dollars in my bank: $37.04

If you’re paying close attention, you’ll notice that this “week” is short by a few days. It’s because I’m posting this early in order to sync up with the pay period of the main site I’m working on now. They pay out at midnight every Thursday, while I was preferring to end a week on Sunday. I got tired of keeping track of two different weeks, so as of today, these posts will come out on Friday.

Also, my two other day jobs got in the way of my writing this week. I was only able to complete two, and I wasted some time researching another one that I ended up returning without writing a single word, which hurt my hourly pay rate. But I’m trying to be scrupulous in accounting for my time, to see if I can get faster or better at this as I go. It’s tempting to not count that kind of unproductive “thinking about writing”, but it’s all part of the job and it keeps me focused.

Next week is already off to a good start! As a small preview, I’ve already written three articles today. Stay tuned to see my final tally!