Got up early today

I was up by 7 AM today. Yes, on a Sunday.

Did some calisthenics (push ups, stomach crunches, squats, back crunches), weighed in (down a pound), got a cinnamon roll and coffee from the coffee shop down the street, started my laundry, made the bed, cleaned the living room, printed out last year’s NaNoWriMo novel (in its uncompleted state – I’m going to read through it and take notes and get re-inspired to finish it (that’s the plan, anyway)), did the dishes, made sure I knew where my passport was, sorted out the old magazines and got my recycling ready, took out the trash, folded the laundry as it dried, kept the paper tray in the printer filled out, figured out my calories for the day (in advance! So much better that way), balanced my checkbook, installed iWork ’08 on my Mac mini, showered, flossed my teeth, chatted with Tracy, put on some nice slacks and my new black blazer, packed up my laptop, got on the bus, transfered to another bus, had lunch (which had been pre-planned) at Pizza Schmizza (Creole chicken pizza and a Caesar salad combo), wandered through the mall, dropped my ballot off at Pioneer Courthouse Square, walked to Backspace, ordered a coffee, told the woman working behind the counter how much I loved Radiohead (“In Rainbows” was playing as I walked in), sat down on the comfy couch, opened my laptop, chatted with Tracy again… and here I am.