
A poem I wrote, inspired by my ex-girlfriend (just to show that I’m not completely bitter):


Voices softly singing of passion
over the bass line and piano
she opened the door and stepped out
and inhaled the night air
while spinning like the stars
while beaming like the stars.

In a way, the song was in her
warming her from her skin on in
her pulse stronger, following along
with the drummer keeping time
while spinning like the stars
while beaming like the stars.

His voice fit in her ears
washing around the curves
Breathing like a lover
Softly, eagerly, adoring her
while spinning like the stars
while beaming like the stars.

Shivered, pivoted on her axis
Her hair tumbling around her face
pulling her arms in so that she
feels her spin increase
she’s spinning like the stars
she’s shining like a star.